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And at sight of the book Dale shivered and grew cold to the core of his spine. He knew perfectly well what was entered in the book, and he thought, "It stands to reason They could never get over that. I might have known all along that would do for me, an' there was no getting round it."

"Are you certain?" Zircon pressed close to examine the machine. "Yes. I stumbled over my own feet and tipped the compressor on its side. And oil ran out through the air fitting. Look!" Scotty held up his hand, and it was smeared with glistening oil. A cold shiver traced its way down Rick's spine. Oil in a compressor was blown into fine particles, too small to be seen.

'The thumb-mark of his Maker was wet in the clay of him. Man, it made a quiver go down my spine." "Oh, Bauldy has been a kenned phrase-maker for the last forty year," said Tarmillan. "But every other Scots peasant has the gift. To hear Englishmen talk, you would think Carlyle was unique for the word that sends the picture home they give the man the credit of his race.

Ha! my chance now . . ." Like a flash, as Janaway turned, Lawrence ran in to meet him body to body, seized him by the lapels of his coat, pinned down his arms, set one foot against his thigh, and with no great exertion of strength, by the Samurai's trick of falling with one's enemy, heaved him up and shot him clean over his own shoulder: then, as they dropped together, struck with his wrist a paralysing blow at the base of the spine.

When Kenset, quietly impervious to the veiled hostility that met him everywhere, faced Steptoe Service and made his request, that dignitary felt a chill go down his spine. Like Old Pete he felt the man beneath the surface. He met him, however, with bluster and refused all reopening of a matter which he declared settled with the burial of the snow-packer in the sliding cañons where he was found.

Early on the following Monday morning Wargrave, dressed in khaki knickerbockers, shirt and puttees, and wearing besides his pith helmet a "spine protector" a quilted cloth pad buttoned to the back as a guard against sunstroke, went down to the Dermots' bungalow.

He fell upon one of the rowlocks, which entered his back near the spine, inflicting a very severe injury, from whose effects he suffered for several years after. In spite of the agony caused by the wound he again clambered up on to the deck, and was almost immediately shot through the thigh.

If he uniformly refuses these attitudes, have patience till he gathers power. Wash all over at bedtime with warm water and M'Clinton's soap. Dry, and rub all over with warm olive oil. Wipe this also gently off. Let the rubbing be such, along each side of the spine, as will bring the organic nerves into action. Gentle, slow, steady motion of the hand is best for this.

"Do you mean to say," he began, "that if I take the trouble to observe your directions place myself in the conditions that you demand: solitude, night and a tallow candle you can with your ghostly work give me an uncomfortable sense of the supernatural, as you call it? Can you accelerate my pulse, make me start at sudden noises, send a nervous chill along my spine and cause my hair to rise?"

Pinto raises his head up, snorts, and looks Doc full in the face; leastwise, if he'd 'a' been any other horse, he'd 'a' been lookin' him full in the face. Doc he stands thoughtful for quite a while, and then he goes and kind of runs his hand up and down along Pinto's spine. He growed plumb enthusiastic then, 'Beautiful subject, says he. 'Be-yoo-tiful ostypathic subject!