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"I'll walk over to Spilman's to-morrow with you, if you like, Miss Peel." Before Priscilla had time to reply there was again a knock at the door, and this time Nancy Banister, looking flushed and pretty, came in.

By the way," she added, turning round and speaking in a rather impertinent voice to Priscilla, "I sent you a message to say I was going down to Kingsdene this afternoon and would be happy to take you with me if you would care to visit Spilman's." "Thank you," said Priscilla, "I got your note just too late to answer it. I was going to speak to you about it," she added. "Then you would have come?"

There was nothing in this, for Rosalind was a gay young person and had many friends in Kingsdene. Few days passed that did not see her in the old town on her way to visit this friend or that, or to perpetrate some little piece of extravagance at Spilman's or at her dressmaker's. On this occasion, however, Rosalind was neither at Spilman's or the dressmaker's.

I think, Maggie, she had about thirty shillings in the world, and she asked Lucy Marsh to count her money, and inquired how many things she thought it would purchase at Spilman's. Then, Maggie, Priscilla turned on them. Oh, she did not look plain then, nor awkward either. Her eyes had such a splendid good, brave sort of light in them.

Would this money go far at Spilman's, do you think?" Priscilla put it all slowly back again into her purse. Her face was still absolutely colorless. She laid the purse on the top of her bureau. "I do not suppose," she said in a low, sad voice, "that I am the sort of girl who often comes to a place of this sort. I am poor, and I have got to work hard, and I have no time for pleasure.

Your new sealskin jacket, for instance?" Polly made a wry face for a moment. Putting her hand into her pocket, she pulled out Spilman's and Madame Clarice's two bills. "I owe a lot," she said, looking with a rueful countenance at the sum total. "Yes, I even fear the sealskin must go. I don't want to part with it. Dad gave it me just before I came here."

The words came out of her lips with the coldness of ice. "And if I need you I promise to ask your help. Where did you say you met Mr. Hammond?" Maggie took up her letter and opened it slowly. "At Spilman's. He was buying something for his room. He " Rosalind blushed all over her face. Maggie took her letter out of its envelope.