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And Jacob Welse knew that his was the larger share in that manifest joy. The river, fallen to its winter level, was pounding its ice-glut steadily along. But in falling it had rimmed the shore with a twenty-foot wall of stranded floes. The great blocks were spilled inland among the thrown and standing trees and the slime-coated flowers and grasses like the titanic vomit of some Northland monster.

Now all this row, leading to great unpopularity of the boys in regions where they wanted to be conciliatory, would have been avoided if Horace and Enoch had merely kept out of the way. There were the Kendal-house in the back-yard, or the wood-shed, where they could have cleaned the guns, and then nobody would have minded if they had spilled ten quarts of water. This seems like a minor rule.

"A whole fleet floats on the sea. What are the ships laden with? With flour. Now comes a whirlwind, a tornado seizes the ships, carries them into the clouds and tears them into splinters. The flour is all spilled: the whole world is white with it, white is the sea, white the heavens, and white the air. The moon peeps from the clouds, and only look how the wind covers its face with flour!

The hunger for death at her own hands and on her own terms possessed her frail body to the full. "If there had been a God in Heaven," she said, aloud, "surely I must have died!" The words startled her and her hand shook so that some of the laudanum was spilled. It was long since she had heard her own voice in more than a monosyllabic answer to some necessary question.

Gow answered him very handsomely, that there had been too much blood spilled already; yet the refusing this, heightened the quarrel, and was the chief occasion of his offering to pistol Gow himself.

One of them carried off little Bill who was standing at the table with his legs spread out and a pint of tea in his hand as far as the door on its back, and there scraped him off and spilled tea over him. Dad spoke. He said, "Damn the dogs!" Then he rose and looked out the window. We all rose all except Joe. Joe reached for the last scone. A horseman dismounted at the slip-rails.

I turned to greet the woman child, but she had strayed into the house. I heard her shouts from my bedroom. Then she came running to us, cooing in helpless joy. "Candy candy Uncle Maje lovely candy all pink and dusty." Well over a face set with the mother's eyes was spilled that which she had clutched and eaten of, a thing pink and dusty, in truth, but which was not candy.

"Sure, Mis' Tress'dy Say, listen! I can match that insertion I spilled ink on in Emville. Isn't that the limit? I can fix it so it'll never show in the world!" "I wouldn't stand that girl for one minute," said Mrs. Porter to her husband; but this was some weeks later when the Porters were in a comfortable Pullman, rushing toward New York.

They reached the horses, dumped the precious burdens into the saddlebags, and mounted. "Which way?" gasped Denver. A light flickered in the bank; half a dozen men spilled out of the back door, cursing and shouting. "Walk your horse," said Terry. "Walk it you fool!" Denver had let his horse break into a trot. He drew it back to a walk at this hushed command.

Her early visit rather astonished aunt Agnes, who was at that moment busily engaged in dressing Miss Webster's foot, and at the announcement of Betsey "Please Ma'am little Miss Parker is called and has brought you a cat," she jumped so that she spilled Miss Webster's lotion. "A cat! a cat!" echoed the ladies. "I will have no cats here Miss Schomberg, if you please," said the irritable Mistress.