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H-only for 'is money we would 'ave catch' dat quadroon gen'leman an' put some tar and fedder. Grandissime Frères! Agricole don' spik to my cousin Honoré no mo'. But I t'ink dass wrong. W'at you t'ink, Doctah?" That evening, at candle-light, Raoul got the right arm of his slender, laughing wife about his neck; but Doctor Keene tarried all night in suburb St. Jean.

So I am captain, Byme-bye, ze major so I became major. Pretty damn soon ze colonel so I am colonel. I kill ze general for myself." As he spoke, he lifted the chair at the table, and brought it down on the floor with a bang. "What!" cried Gilbert, at this description of an opera-bouffe army. "But we shall not talk of me," Lopez said. "We shall spik of you. 'Ow you been since I seen you, what?"

Once inside, Lapierre fixed his eyes upon the boss canoeman. "Well you have watched Apaw what have you found out?" "Apaw I'm t'ink she spik de trut'." "Speak the truth hell! Why didn't he get down here ahead of MacNair, then? What have I got spies for to drag in after MacNair's gone and tell me he's been here?" LeFroy shrugged. "MacNair Injuns dey com' pret' near catch Apaw dey keel Stamix.

'You can spik blainly, Mister Selvyn, he went on amiably. 'Ve unnerstan' each odder, hein? Von't you smoke one of dem cigars? 'No, said Selwyn. He looked at the little man for about ten seconds, then, crossing to the wall, wrenched the sign away, nail and all. 'Here, here, protested Mr. Schneider, backing warily to the door, 'vot for you do dis? Vot you mean, you great big fourflusher?

Perault drank, and, after a few moments, began his tale. "I can' spik much, me," he said, "when I tink how dat beeg feller pack me on hees back twenty mile, I fin' bad pain here," striking his breast, "and den I can' spik at all." And again the little Frenchman's voice broke down in sobs. "Take time, Perault," said Sinclair gravely. "We want to know all about it.

"Dthat ees more your rôle, for if you pairmeet me to listen to your so beautiful Eenglish, I must learn much. But you will let me spik to you a leedle in Frainch, mademoiselle? Dthere air zome dthings I cannot say in Eenglish." We stop at the vessel's side, and in a glance across to Mrs. Steele I see her looking with wide-eyed amusement and a dash of concern at my companion.

Monsieur," he continued, leaning forward and putting his hand on my knee, "I think she love me I am not sure. I should not be surprise'. But Monsieur le Marquis, her father, he trit me ver' bad. Monsieur le Marquis is guillotine' now, I mus' not spik evil of him, but he marry her to one ol' garcon, Le Vicomte d'Ivry-le-Tour." "So Mademoiselle is married," I said after a pause.

I furnish fine jinrikisha and very good man, Sanno; spik very good English." Percival had an early lunch, and, leaving Judson sitting disconsolately among the hand-bags, started for Otsu. From the first his runner justified his reputation of speaking English; he began by counting up to fifty, looking over his shoulder for approval, and expecting to be prompted when his memory failed.

"'But all are very much like, I say; 'and you no want die old maid, no? "'I no care! and then she fling hersel roun on the chair and throw her arms roun me and cry and sob on my estomac. 'Ay, my Lukari! she cry when she can spik, I hate everybody! I am tire out to exista! I want to live! I am tire stay all alone! Oh, I want I no know what I want! Life is terreeblay thing, macheppa!

I cannot trade with you." It had the desired effect. Alexander arose and put the skin inside the tent. "It is yours," he said. "Give me tobacco." Ambrose tossed him his pouch. When the little man got his pipe going, squatting on his heels as before, he told his tale. "Me spik Angleys no good," he said, fingering his Adam's apple, as if the defect was there. "Las' winter I ver' poor.