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"Are you runnin' this ship, young man, or am I?" He seems to think he has made a forcible and irrefutable rejoinder and turns away like one who has settled something forever. "I vill spik vidth you inside." The Baron sets down his small valise and follows the apparently unheeding Captain into the saloon.

"Never a `thank you' for gittin' half killed in place of his kid." Perault walked up to Shock, and offering his hand, said in a voice husky and broken, "Dat's two for you dis even' me an' dat leele feller. For me I can't spik my heart," smiting himself on the breast, "but my heart dat's your own now, by gar!" He wrung Shock's hand in both of his and turned quickly away.

You promis' jus' now you don' get mad, an' I don' say she's Runnion neider w'at spik dose t'ing; dere's more dan 'im been talkin'. Is it true?" His sternness offended Burrell, for the soldier was not the kind to discuss his affairs in this way, therefore he drew back scowling. "Poleon Doret," he said, "it's not one's enemies who do him injury, it's his damned fool friends.

"Ees your sistaire wit you?" "No. How can she be with me, I should like to know, when you've gone and put her in some horrid old room?" "Ah! not wit you? Who are you whisperin' to, den?" Minnie hesitated. "To my maid," said she. "Does de maid spik Inglis?" asked Girasole. "Yes," said Minnie. "Ah! I did not know eet. I mus have a look at de contadina who spiks Inglis. Come here, Italiana.

"NON," he answered, very decidedly; "dat piano, he vairee smart; he got plentee word, lak' de leetle yellow bird in de cage 'ow you call heem de cannarie. He spik' moch. Bot dat violon, he spik' more deep, to de heart, lak' de Rossignol. He mak' me feel more glad, more sorree dat fo' w'at Ah lak' heem de bes'!"

Then, suddenly speaking in English, he said, "It is necessaire dat we sall spik Ingeles, for ze peuple of ze house may suspeck " Upon this Claude poured forth a torrent of questions in English, asking about Laborde, Cazeneau, Zac, and Mimi. It will not be necessary to report the words of the priest in his broken English, but rather to set them down according to the sense of them.

"She's on her way to Dyea," Pierce insisted. "She can't be far " 'Poleon Doret was angry. "I don' listen to no woman be joke 'bout, you hear? Dis boy spik true. He was in Linderman las' night, for I seen him on top of Chilkoot yesterday myse'f, wit' pack on his back so beeg as a barn." "Do you know the accused?" queried the spokesman. 'Poleon turned with a shrug. "Non! No!

He carried a dapper little cane, with which he tapped his former prisoner to attract his attention. At sight of him Kirk drew down his brows and said, gruffly: "Don't poke me with that umbrella." He turned away, but again Alfarez touched him with the rattan. "I will spik' wit' you, hombre," he said. "If you keep jabbing me with that crutch I'll break it, and then you can't walk home."

True, his hair was golden, but it was cut short, and bore no resemblance to the coat of a bear; his mustache and brows were brown; his gray eyes were as laughing as her own. "I suppose you do not speak any English, señorita," he said helplessly. "No? I spik Eenglish like the Spanish. The Spanish people no have difficult at all to learn the other langues.

"Is that all?" "A-ha-ha." "But you have an Indian name, have you not?" "Injun name long. Babby no spik Injun name." After Jean had finished her breakfast, she felt much refreshed. She washed herself at a little brook which babbled through the forest, and arranged as well as she could her tangled hair.