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But Virginia does not answer. She is thinking of other things than the steamboats, and wondering whether it had not been preferable to be killed by Hessians. Ned spies the 'Barbara Lane'. He knows that her captain, Mr. Vance, is a friend of the family. What a mighty contempt did Ned and his kind have for foot passengers!

There were some anxious moments until at last they had satisfied themselves that no one was listening and that no dictograph or other mechanical eavesdropper, such as they had heard of, was concealed in the furniture or back of it. "Why are you so particular, Henri?" a woman's voice was saying. "Louise, I've been thinking for a long time that we are surrounded by spies in these hotels.

It having been discovered that spies were accustomed to conceal in their compartments any papers which they might be carrying, and retrieving them after the frontier was safely passed, the through trains have now been discontinued, passengers and luggage, after the examination at the frontier, being sent on by another train.

I heard the impertinent Swiss at the other end of the gallery at his master's door, wondering in broken English where his master could be, and conjecturing forty absurdities about his boots, and his being out riding, &c. &c. To sally forth in conscious innocence upon the enemy's spies, and to terminate the adventure as it was begun, a la Francoise, was my resolution.

They are never to be found when sought for, and always present when least expected; they are at once everywhere and nowhere. There exists not a nook in Venice which our spies are not acquainted with, or have left unexamined, and yet has our police endeavoured in vain to discover the place of their concealment. Flodoardo.

"Hush!" said a third "hush: it may be unsafe to speak; there are spies about; for my part, I think it was all the fault of the /noblesse/." "And the Favourites!" cried a soldier, fiercely. "And the Harlots!" cried a hag of eighty. "And the Priests!" muttered the Huguenot. "And the Tax-gatherers!" added the lean Catholic. We rode slowly on. My comrade was evidently and powerfully affected.

They knew now that, even if death should be their lot, Argutis would be faithful to their father and sick brother, and the slave at once showed his ingenuity and shrewdness; for, while the young people were vainly trying to think of a hiding-place for Heron and Philip, he suggested a spot which would hardly be discovered even by the sharpest spies.

"That is evidence sufficient of your guilt." Chester shrugged his shoulders. The Crown Prince eyed him angrily. "You are one of these indifferent ones, are you?" he said. "Well, we know how to cure that. Do you realize what is in store for you?" "Perfectly," replied Chester. "The firing squad." "No; you are wrong," was the Crown Prince's answer. "The firing squad is too good for spies.

Time and again he mustered the facts into columns, only to succeed in puzzling himself the more. Two German spies, the Hoffs, had set out together in their motor on their usual mysterious Wednesday mission. Two other persons, two of his most intelligent operatives, Thomas Dean and Jane Strong, had set out on a motorcycle to shadow them. What had happened?

He even unbuttoned the leather flap of the holster, and then being cleared for action, sat glowering across the aisle, with his eyes not on the faces but upon the hands of the two Purvy spies. The wrench of partings, the long raw ride and dis-spiriting gloom of the darkness before dawn had taken out of the boy's mind all the sparkle of anticipation and left only melancholy and hate.