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But Lord! all my efforts is wasted on that 'ere rainbow nothing but sniffs!" "Why then who what are you?" "I'm Perks and Condy, wines and sperrits, eighty-five pound, eighteen, three that's me, sir." "Do you mean that you are in possession here?" "Just that, sir, ever since eight o'clock s'morning and nothing but sniffs so fur."

'She's throwed up the sperrits, and she is feeling better, and she's more to 'ee than a child that isn't yours. 'She isn't! She's not so particular much to me, especially now she's lost the little maid! But Carry's everything! 'Well, ver' like you'll find her to-morrow. 'Ah but shall I? Yet he can't hurt her surely he can't! Well how's Car'line now? I am ready. Is the cart here?

Sperrit 'n' asked him if he thought anybody 'd mind 'f he 'n' his wife come in town 'n' finished their vacation in their own house. I guess mebbe the Sperrits was some wore out themselves, f'r they jus' told him 't no one could possibly object, 'n' then they had the carryall 'n' drove 'em both in town right after dinner.

October brought a spell of wintry weather; and one day, as he was bringing the sheep home, he met old Margaret, 'Lias's wife. She stopped and accosted him. 'Why doan't yo coom and see 'Lias sometimes, Davy, my lad? Yo might leeten him up a bit, an' he wants it, t' Lord knows. He's been fearfu' bad in his sperrits this summer.

Brown 's gone now too. I see him 'n' Amelia drivin' out towards the Sperrits' while I was in the square. Well, if it's on, it's on, 'n' the Lord be with you, Mrs. Lathrop, f'r 'f Gran'ma Mullins says truth, no one else c'n help you now. You see, she told Mrs. Macy 'n' me what plaster is. It's eatin', that's what it is. Plaster 'll eat anythin' right up, hide, hair, 'n' all.

The significance of the question and the reply nettled the cowboy. "See hyar, mister, I ain't no coyote come in to pitch yarns. Wot I've said is gospel. The man as 'eld us up was Peter Retief as sure as I'm a living man. Sperrits don't walk about the prairie 'ustling cattle, an' I guess 'is 'and was an a'mighty solid one, as my jaw felt when 'e gagged me.

And so, Master Marner, as I was saying for there's windings i' things as they may carry you to the fur end o' the prayer-book afore you get back to 'em my advice is, as you keep up your sperrits; for as for thinking you're a deep un, and ha' got more inside you nor 'ull bear daylight, I'm not o' that opinion at all, and so I tell the neighbours.

"Whoa, steady theer," as the bird began to struggle in his grasp, flapping uneasy wings, and making a sickly attempt at a hiss. Margaret, who had been about to uncork the bottle, paused, surveying Victoria with her head on one side. "Theer dunnot seem to be mich amiss, do theer?" she remarked; "it seems a'most a pity to be givin' it sperrits. It'll upset it again as like as not."

"Set you to play six-eight time an' 'tis beads right away." "A slice o' saffern-cake, crowder, to stay ye. Don't say no. Hi, Mary Jane!" "Thank 'ee, Farmer. A man might say you was in sperrits to-night, makin' so bold." "I be; I be." "Might a man ax wherefore, beyond the nat'ral hail-fellow-well-met of the season?" "You may, an' yet you mayn't," answered the host, passing on with the mug.

"What; tea and sperrits and 'bacco and silk?" "No," said Aleck; "but fruit." "Oh, fruit!" said the gardener, contemptuously. "What's a bit of fruit?" "Perhaps you will have my house and grounds searched at once, sir," said the captain, waving the gardener back. "The house is small, and "