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You needn't be afeard; no one in all Liverpool will be safer nor you; but you'll be coming with me in the dark. A brave lady! Eh! I used to think as ladies had no real sperrit, but I'll never think so no more!" "I'll be ready for you, Hester," said Sister Mary, in her gravest voice. "The night after next at what hour will you call for me, Hester?"

That's the way my wife feels, and I, well, there now! you're a stranger, and I may never set eyes on you again; but I take to you, somehow, and I don't mind telling you that I feel as mean as dirt whenever I think of that lamb in that old fox's den; mean as dirt I feel, and yet I aint got the spunk to the strenth is gone out of my legs," he added, piteously, "these ten years back, and I think some of my sperrit went with it.

One has the blood, and another the money." "Well, well," said Lucy, who took nothing by her move, simply because there was nothing to take; "think over it think over it, my dear life; and if you did set your mind on any one why, then then maybe I might help you to a sight of him." "A sight of him?" "His sperrit, dear life, his sperrit only, I mane.

She had liked him so well, and she had not thought him the sort of man who would play fast and loose with a woman's feelings for twenty years. He certainly should be taught a lesson, and Anne felt vindictively that she would enjoy seeing the process. Therefore she was delighted when Janet told her, as they were going to prayer-meeting the next night, that she meant to show some "sperrit."

"You hang on a while," Mormon Joe cautioned. "You may be boss of the Scissor Outfit yet stranger things have been waiting around the corner." Teeters shifted his weight in the saddle. "Say," he confessed in some embarrassment, "a sperrit told me somethin' like that only day 'fore yisterday.

They would have run away severally had they dared, but fear kept them together, and kept them close by John, as if his daring helped them. He, on his part, had pretty well fought his weakness down. "Sperrit? Well, maybe," he said. "But there's one thing not clear to me. There was an echo. Now, no man ever seen a sperrit with a shadow.

She've the sperrit of a duchess an' as 'orty in her ways as a queen. She'll never be no good to us in our line o' bizness, an' I'm not agoin' to keep her." They wrangled and quarrelled over the subject continually, for Seraminta, partly from obstinacy, and partly because the child was so handsome, wished to keep her, and teach her to perform with the poodle in the streets.

But we got all the money we need an' we're goin' to Europe to enjoy it, so before we go we're goin' to pass sentence upon you. It is the verdict o' the court that we present you with the power schooner Maggie II free gratis, an' that you accept the same in the same friendly sperrit in which it is tendered.

Most of the hounds attached themselves to a straight-necked youngster of education who scuttled out of the woods into the open fields below. 'Hold on! some one shouted. 'Turn 'em, Midmore. That's your brute Sidney's land. It's all wire. 'Oh, Connie, stop! Mrs. Sperrit shrieked as her daughter charged at a boundary-hedge. 'Wire be damned! I had it all out a fortnight ago.

Hester had dropped on one knee, and was gazing intently into her cousin's face. "Oh, she flouted me, Hetty said she had vowed to wed no one, and all that sort of thing. Poor Bet she have sperrit of her own, and life have never gone easy with her. She seemed to think she was sorry for me. She makes out that she's all as hard as brass, but she ain't really." "No, she ain't really," repeated Hester.