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I lowered the piece with a feeling of terror, and commenced dragging upon the rein; but, before I could pull up, I was carried into the midst of the prostrate herd. Here my horse suddenly stopped, and I sat in my saddle as if spell-bound. I was under the influence of a superstitious awe. Blood was before me and around me. Turn which way I would, my eye rested upon blood!

This man was indeed the trusted servant of the Most High, and so long as he held his staff uplifted, the waves seemed spell-bound, and through him God forbade their return. He, Ephraim, need no longer appeal to the Omnipotent One that was the appointed task of this great and exalted personage; but he must continue to fulfil his little duty of watching the progress of individuals.

They were dancing and flashing with excitement now, and his whole frame was quivering with enthusiasm; with head thrown back, and tongue, hand, and foot all in motion, he seemed to have his audience completely spell-bound, and they listened with open eyes and mouths to his oration.

The south wind carried the martial sound of horns and drums and far more menacing the deep murmur of a multitude to the astonished officers. Like the 21st Lancers three miles away to their left, at the end of the long sandy ridge which runs westward from Surgham the soldiers remained for a space spell-bound.

The missionary the only man the Blackfoot Indians had not slain having finished supper, had gathered some of the women and children round him, and, after an earnest prayer, had begun a hymn of praise. At first the Blackfoot chief was on the point of ordering them to cease, but as the sweet notes arose he seemed to be spell-bound, and remained a silent and motionless listener.

Stunned, and like one spell-bound, I could not move for a few seconds; and then, with a wild cry, I bounded after her through the garden. The wicket, however, was fastened on the outside, and it was some time before I could scale the wall and reach the street.

The door of the inner room opens at this moment, and Walther stands upon the threshold in the rich gala costume of a young noble. Eva at sight of him in his splendour utters a cry, and remains spell-bound, gazing.

"What's the matter, my boy?" he asked, in a low, laughing tone, "Are you spell-bound?" "Spell-bound? well, slightly!" responded Rutherford. "Great Heavens, Houston! do they have such women as those out here?" "Evidently they have some fine samples of the genuine article, but I am not prepared to state how large a stock they carry.

And when the Lord chooses to call us, the little birds will cover us with leaves, as they did the babies in the wood, and fresher flowers will grow out of our graves, sir, than out of yours in that bare Northam churchyard there beyond the weary, weary, weary sea." His voice died away to a murmur, and his head sank on his breast. Amyas stood spell-bound.

You could have heard a pin drop, as the saying goes, so spell-bound was the audience; and at the end there was a warm outburst of applause, and then a gathering about him, as he left the platform, of the various artists, and others who were eager to speak with him.