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As previously stated, the rock broke better on the south than on the north side, where there were several slides, and considerable excavation had to be taken out beyond the neat line required in the specifications. The worst slide occurred at midnight on July 3d, 1909, at about Station 188 + 50.

Lieutenant, I forgot for the moment that I had called upon you to speak." The Lieutenant's face had undergone a remarkable change, and as he sank back in his seat, he said in a forced voice: "In consideration solely of the previous excellent character of the prisoner, I vote not guilty on all the charges and specifications, but with a distinct warning to the man as to the future."

One of these specifications is "the soldiery to make an attack upon a hostile city," and upon referring to the list of months, we learn that the 2d, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th months are favorable for such an undertaking, but the others are 'not. Again, the 1st, 3d, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th are 'favorable' for "the entrance of any army upon foreign soil," but the remainder 'not. The other specifications refer likewise to the movements of the armies.

If I should sign a contract, which I suppose, as a business man, you would want, to live up to the letter of your specifications, even then I could not do it. I should make life a torture for you, Humphrey. You see, I am honest with you, too much as your offer dazzles me." And she shook her head again. "That," exclaimed Mr. Crewe, impatiently, "is sheer nonsense.

It was proposed that prizes should be offered for the first and second best plans with specifications and estimates, not only for the buildings, but also for the laying out of College grounds on the northwest side of Sherbrooke Street "in avenues and ornamental and kitchen gardens."

This proved Bok's instinct to be correct as to the public willingness to accept such designs; upon this proof he succeeded in winning over two additional architects to make plans. He offered his readers full building specifications and plans to scale of the houses with estimates from four builders in different parts of the United States for five dollars a set.

Benedict pursued their journey to the lumber-mill, and there spent the day in selecting their materials, and filling out their specifications. The first person Mr. Benedict saw on entering the mill was a young man from Sevenoaks, whom he had known many years before. He colored as if he had been detected in a crime, but the man gave him no sign that the recognition was mutual.

Thus the two Captives of the Louvre became useless, and, as we know, they were given away to Ruberto Strozzi in a moment of generosity by the sculptor. The sitting figures detailed in the deed of 1516 are shorter than the Moses by one foot. The standing figures, now at S. Pietro in Vincoli, correspond to the specifications.

I've heard about the road, but I didn't know they were ready for bids for the western side of the mountain yet. Where's the notice?" "Right on your desk, sir." Abstractedly, Houston picked it up and glanced at the specifications, for railroad ties by the million, for lumber, lathes, station-house material, bridge timbers, and the thousands of other lumber items that go into the making of a road.

Last came those who were directors in corporations which had bought from the State-boss injustices and licenses to rob, the specifications given in damning detail. His leading editorial was entitled "Why We Don't Have Decent Government." It was powerful in its simplicity, its merciless raillery and irony; and only at the very end did it contain passion.