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It is this: "'RULE III. Each day we give ourselves up, every one of us, to real, genuine fun to having what may be called a jolly time. "We never miss this part of the Speciality life. We get our fun either by chatting gaily to each other, or by enjoying the society of a favorite schoolfellow.

Parker to talk over a subject which I had just made a speciality, without finding that on that particular matter he happened to know, without any special investigation, more than I did.

Men kept on laughing at the ordinary monkish sermons, with their spurious miracles and manufactured relics; but did not cease to honour the great and genuine preachers. These are a true speciality of the fifteenth century. The Order generally that of St. Francis, and more particularly the so- called Observantines sent them out according as they were wanted.

Is this your speciality, heads, or do you go to nature and reproduce her wonderous moods and shades with your pencil?" "My great ideal is Nature. You, too, are an artist." "I have no talent whatever, but the deepest sympathy with Nature, and an appreciation of her harmonies." "Do you not paint flowers, or sketch home scenes?"

"Martha," she said, "I must say that I don't care for your Sibyl." "And I like her," replied Martha. "She is not your style, Fan; but she just needs the sort of little help we can give her. We cannot expect every one to be exactly like every one else, and Sibyl is not half bad. It would hurt her frightfully if she were not invited to the first entertainment after I have become a Speciality."

To regard this deduction as sound is to misunderstand Browning at the very start of every poem that he ever wrote. There is nothing that the man loved more, nothing that deserves more emphatically to be called a speciality of Browning, than the utterance of large and noble truths by the lips of mean and grotesque human beings.

If he were of the heroic race, what virtue in being heroic? it is the assertion of his trivial life that makes his speciality evident, the shadow that throws out the bas-relief.

"I suppose it's my speciality. I knew you were in love with her from the first moment I saw you." Bertrand made a slight movement, as if the crude statement hurt him; but he answered quite quietly, "You have divined a secret which is known to none other. I confide it to your honourable keeping." The corners of Max's mouth went down.

The Police were good riders and each Division had several constables who made a speciality of breaking refractory broncos. And the work was necessary because for months after the horse was first broken he would break out again on occasion.

Saloo got ready his blow-gun and poisoned arrows; Captain Redwood looked to his rifle; while the ship-carpenter, whose speciality was fishing, and who for this purpose had brought his hooks and lines along with him, determined on trying what species of the finny tribe frequented the inland lake, in hopes they might prove less shy at biting than their brethren of the sea-coast stream.