United States or Lesotho ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The speculator in horses had been at Fraser River, and returned convinced of the judiciousness of his `spec. He spoke of the overland trip with enthusiasm; plenty of game and of grass, a fine climate, and no molestation from Indians. As a natural result of all this emigration, business in the interior is becoming much deranged.

Take two drachms each of prepared steel and spec. hair; one scruple each of borax and spec. of myrrh, with savine juice; make it up into eighty-eight lozenges and take three every other day before dinner.

Dat's Miss Annie, shuh as shootin'. Ef she hadn't fotch nuffin' 'long wid her but her eyes I'd a knowed dem; same ole eyes dey all had. An' 'sides dat, you fool Isham, ef she not Miss Annie, wot she come down h'yar fur?" "Neber thinked o' dat!" said Uncle Isham, reflectively. "Ef you's so pow'ful shuh, Aun' Patsy, I reckon dat is Miss Annie. Couldn't 'spec me to 'member her.

Chad swayed the candle towards the broken-down fence, and sent his magnified shadow scurrying up the measly wall and halfway over to the next house. "So! Now steady." The darky stood like the Sphinx, the light streaming atop of the tall candlestick, and then said from out one side of his mouth, "Spec' you gemmen better squat; she's gwineter bite."

A tiny point near the center of the screen swelled to a spec, and jumped nearly off the screen to the left. Miller centered it again, and switched to a higher power. This time it jumped less, and resolved into two tiny dots. Step by step the magnification was increased as ring after ring of the lens antenna was thrown into play. Each time the centering operation was more delicate.

"Recommend a hotel, at Benton where I'm going. There is a hotel, I suppose?" "Good Lord!" he exclaimed testily. "In a city of three thousand people? A hotel? A dozen of 'em, but I don't know their names. What do you expect to find in Benton? You're from the East, I take it. Going out on spec', or pleasure, or health?" "I have been advised to try Western air for a change," I answered.

Lashed as she had been by those words apparently out of all semblance of her former social arrogance, a lower and more stubborn resistance seemed to have sprung up in her, as she sat sideways, watching him with her set smile and contracting eyes. "Ah," she said dryly, "so SHE IS HERE. I thought so. Which of you is it, eh? It's a good spec Mallory's a rich man. She's not particular."

She run off in de night some time nobody don't know jis' when; run off to get married to dat young Harney Shepherdson, you know leastways, so dey 'spec. De fambly foun' it out 'bout half an hour ago maybe a little mo' en' I TELL you dey warn't no time los'. Sich another hurryin' up guns en hosses YOU never see!

I 'spec' now I'll get whipped." "Keep still, Estralla. You know you won't get whipped," replied Sylvia, finding that Molly and Polly had not been hurt by their fall, and that none of the little dishes were broken. "You ought to tell her mother to whip her. She's no business up here," said Grace. "Don't, Grace!" Sylvia exclaimed. "We don't get whipped every time we make a mistake.

"Is you gwine to Mas'r Hugh?" she asked, as Alice passed out into the hall. "I'se jest been dar. He's peart as a new dollar knows everybody. How long sense, you 'spec'?" and Mug looked very wise, as she thus skirted around what she was forbidden to divulge on pain of Hugh's displeasure.