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Even then I would not have noticed it, had not my ears caught the sound of a voice two voices, in fact low, gurgling voices as if a fountain had just been turned on, spattering the leaves about it.

Jeannette bandaged his head, the rain spattering through the broken log house upon them both. "Who brought you here?" inquired Jacques. "There was nobody in these houses last night, for I searched them myself." "I hid here before daybreak," she answered briefly. "But if you knew the English were coming, why did you not give the alarm?" "I was their prisoner." "And where will you go now?"

When the men reached the trail, Freckles yelled at the top of his voice: "Head them off on the south, boys! Fire from the south!" As he had hoped, Jack and Wessner instantly plunged into the swale. A spattering of lead followed them. They crossed the swale, running low, with not even one backward glance, and entered the woods beyond the corduroy. Then the little party gathered at the tree.

While this identification is more or less problematical, it is highly possible. The anterior part of the body is spotted; the posterior and the hind legs are black. The snout bears little resemblance to that of the puma. The entire inner surface of the bowl, save a central circle in which the head, fore-limbs, and anterior part of the body are represented, is decorated by spattering.

We have already walked forth on the shore with J and R , who pick up shells, and dig wells in the sand with their little wooden spades; but soon we saw a rainbow on the western sky, and then a shower came spattering down upon us in good earnest.

The captain had drawn his pistol, but did not fire; the others were unarmed. Their movements were grotesque and horrible, their forms gigantic. Suddenly he heard a sharp report and something struck the water smartly within a few inches of his head, spattering his face with spray.

At sight of us he turned in his saddle to shout to some one behind, and bringing his gun to bear came tearing and swearing down the road, spattering the gravel under the big hoofs of the gray. Close at his heels rode two officers in Confederate gray uniforms, and a motley crowd of riders closed up the road behind.

Why, he set off, as swift as the wind, straight down to the seashore, scampered across the sand, took an airy leap, and plunged right in among the foaming billows. The white spray rose in a shower over him and little Europa, and fell spattering down upon the water. Then what a scream of terror did the poor child send forth!

A few spattering shot, all of which came from the west side of the buildings, and the flickering light of the fire, were the only interruptions to the otherwise death-like calm of the hour. The same success attended me in reaching the south-west as in reaching the north-west angle of the house. To me, it seemed as if the savages had entirely abandoned the fields in my vicinity.

Half an hour passed without their being disturbed, and then they heard Villari call out to let draw the head sheets, and in a few minutes the schooner was running before a sharp rain squall from the northward. As they sat listening to the spattering of the rain on the deck above, one of the skylight flaps was lifted, and, to their joy, their names were called by the boy Lilo. "Serena, Ami!