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Sparling's name was never to be mentioned between them that the whole grimy business was buried out of sight forever. And with a great and morbid impatience he shook the recollection from him.

Ropes were cast over the flying hoofs before the men thought it wise to get near them. Then they hauled Phil out, very much the worse for wear. In the meantime Mr. Sparling's carriage had driven up and he was helping the woman in. "Is the boy hurt?" he called. "No, I'm all right, thank you," answered Phil, smiling bravely, though he was bruised from head to foot and his clothing hung in tatters.

Sparling passed through the cabin on the way to his stateroom and office. He gave Phil a significant glance, to which the Circus Boy did not respond. A few minutes later, however, Phil strolled out to the deck. Reaching it he turned quickly and hurried aft, entering the passageway there and going directly to Mr. Sparling's quarters. "Come in," invited the owner in response to Phil's gentle rap.

"Yes; it would put them out of business for the night performance, but we don't want them to fill up for the afternoon show. That's when they are going to get the money. You see, Sparling's show is bigger and better known than ours, and showing there the same day we are liable to get the worst of it. Can't you suggest anything else?"

At any rate, the world understood perfectly that Juliet Sparling's innocent and unfortunate daughter had been harshly treated by Lady Lucy and deserted by Lady Lucy's son. Queer fellow, Marsham! rather a fool, too. Why the deuce didn't he stick to it? Lady Lucy would have come round; he would have gained enormous kudos, and lost nothing.

Sparling's tent, entering this time without knocking. "This is my friend whom I spoke to you about," announced Phil, thrusting Teddy up before the showman. Mr. Sparling eyed the lad suspiciously. "Want to join out, too, eh?" "I I'd like to," stammered Teddy. "Do your parents approve of your going with a show?" "I I don't know, sir." "You'd better find out, then. Ask them mighty quick.

Not a moment had been without its interest or excitement, and Phil realized that as he walked toward the cook tent. He found Teddy there, satisfying his appetite, or rather exerting himself in that direction, for Teddy's appetite was a thing never wholly satisfied. After supper Phil took the boy aside and delivered Mr. Sparling's message.

I'll allow the musicians overtime for it, so there should be no objection on their part. We will make a triumphal entry into Des Moines, providing nothing happens to us in the meantime." Mr. Sparling's face darkened as he thought of the dastardly attempts that had been made against his young charges. "I will see the leader before I turn in. You had better go to bed now, Phil.

She therefore aided and abetted him; and her plan, no doubt, was to wait till they and their accomplices had absorbed the last of Mrs. Sparling's money, and then to make a midnight flitting, leaving their victim to her fate. "The dénouement, however, came with frightful rapidity.

The tone, resolute, yet appealing, put Fanny in an evident embarrassment. "Well, I can't," she said, after a moment "so it's no good asking me." Then suddenly, she hesitated "or at least " "At least what? Please go on." Fanny wriggled again, then said, with a burst: "Well, my mother was Aunt Sparling's younger sister you know that don't you? "Of course."