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The afternoon performance passed off without a hitch, the tent being crowded almost to its capacity, Phil Forrest throwing himself into his work in the air with more spirit and enthusiasm than he had shown at any time since he took up his new work. At Mr. Sparling's request, however, the lad had omitted his triple somersault from the trapeze bar.

Sparling's own staff was attending the Sully show when Phil made his escape, and much of the latter's discomfort might have been prevented had he only been aware of that fact. Teddy assumed the full credit for the victory of old Emperor, and no one took the trouble to argue the question with him.

"Many of you owe your lives to this young man. Had you started when the blow came many of you would have been killed. Has anyone been seriously hurt?" A chorus of "no's" echoed from all sides. The showman breathed a sigh of relief. A bare half dozen had to be helped down from the seats, where they had been struck by flying debris, but beyond that no one obeyed Mr. Sparling's request to remain.

Greetings were interchanged, and both Chide and Ferrier studied Diana's looks with a friendly anxiety they did their best to conceal. Forbes also observed Juliet Sparling's daughter hotly curious yet also hotly sympathetic. What a story, by Jove! Their footsteps echoed in the vast emptiness of the Upper Church. Apparently they had it to themselves. "No friars!" said Forbes, looking about him.

Sparling's direction the four corners of the net were manned and the safety device raised from the ground, ready to catch the lad should he fall. "Now let go and drop!" roared Mr. Sparling. They heard Phil laugh from his lofty perch. "Jump, I say!" "What, and let the tent down on you all?"

Sparling's tent, hoping the showman would see him and call him in. Phil was not disappointed. Mr. Sparling did that very thing. "How's that new act of yours coming along, young man?" he demanded. "I have done no more than think it over since talking with you a little while ago. If the props are ready Mr. Kennedy and I will have a quiet rehearsal this afternoon.

But before Sidonia had time to answer, the chatterbox had run to the door and lifted the latch "There was a strange woman in the courtyard, with something under her apron. She must go and see what it was, but would be back again instantly with the news." In a short time she returned, bringing along with her Sheriff Sparling's dairy-woman, who carried a large bundle of flax under her apron.

Sparling's eyes twinkled as these two worthies sneaked into his tent, each with a hangdog expression on his face. "Red" Larry had a black eye, while Bad Eye's nose appeared to have listed to one side. The showman glanced at Larry's coat, then at the button in his own hand. He nodded understandingly. Bad Eye was collarless.

"You'll find business enough when you get in, Teddy Tucker." "Don't believe it. It's just good fun and that's all." They had reached the circus lot by this time and were now making their way to Mr. Sparling's tent. "We have come to report, sir," announced Phil, entering the tent with Teddy close behind him. "We are ready for work."

Sparling's crime was not so hideous as some of us supposed? that she did not fall to the lowest depths of all? and that she endured great provocation? But could anything really be more vile than the history of those weeks of excitement and fraud? of base yielding to temptation? of cruelty to her husband and child? even as you have told it? Her conduct led directly to adultery and violence.