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The two blips drew closer to the heart of the scope. First one and then the other shooting ahead for brief seconds as they began deceleration. "You can see them outside, now, sir," said the operator, and Strong jumped to the door, stepping out on the observation platform that looked out over the spaceport.

"Able One to Able Two. Can you hear me, Able Two? Come in, Able Two!" Vidac's voice crackled through the set. Strong listened intently and was rewarded by the sound of another click and another voice speaking. "Able Two to Able One. Come in." "I've got Strong," reported Vidac, "and the cadets are somewhere in the hills between here and the spaceport.

In some ships it lasted for minutes only. In others it went on for half an hour or more. Then they hung overhead, but did not reply to calls. Calhoun arrived at the spaceport with Murgatroyd riding on his shoulder. A bewildered officer in a sag-suit halted him. "I've come," said Calhoun, "to speak to the admiral.

"I accept," he said gravely. "Oh, boy!" Tommy dragged Ringg into a sort of war dance of exuberant celebration, pointing at the flaring glow of the spaceport gates. "Here, by grace of the Lhari, stands the doorway to all the stars," he quoted. "Well, maybe you were here first. But look out we're coming!" A doorway to the stars. Bart had crossed that doorway once, frightened and alone.

Far out in the very center of the spaceport, a high, clear-glass skyscraper rose, catching the sunlight in a million colors. Around the building, small copters and robotcabs veered, discharging passengers; and the moving sidewalks were crowded with people coming and going.

He spoke to us, and ushered us down a hallway toward Guido Fieschi's office. I get into the spaceport administrative area about once in twenty or so hours. Oughourlian is a somewhat less frequent visitor. The others had never been there, and they were visibly awed by all the gleaming glass and brightwork, and the soft lights and the thick carpets.

"Let 'er rip!" he muttered weakly. The day was warm and sunny. He and Alice had arrived early at the spaceport to enjoy the holiday excitement preceding the takeoff. It was something they had both dreamed of since they were kids a vacation in the fabulous domed cities and ruins of Mars.

"Yes, this spaceport proposition of King Orgzild of Keegark looks like it, doesn't it?" Harrington retorted. "He hates us so much he's offered us a spaceport at his city...." "At what cost?" Blount asked. "He takes the land from some noble he executes for treason and gives it to us together with forced labor. We furnish everything else.

He filled out numerous forms, signed affidavits, explained his unauthorized landing, showed his spaceman's ticket, defended his act of piloting without an up-to-date license, signed more forms, entered a claim for salvage rights to the Egg, and finally when the Legal Division, the Traffic Control Division, the Spaceport Safety Office, Customs, Immigration, and Travelers Aid had finished with him, he was ushered into the presence of the Port Captain.

Time passed. Comets let out vast streamers like bridal veils and swept toward and around their suns. Some of them one in ten thousand, or twenty were possibly seen by human eyes. The liner bearing Hoddan sped through the void. In time it made a landfall on the Planet Krim. He went aground and observed the spaceport city.