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"I will give him every chance! I will support what you call his lie! I SAY IT IS A TRUTH! No woman could have painted that picture! And mark you well the mere discussion will be sufficient to kill the Sovrani's fame!" Heedless of his ecclesiastical dignity reckless of everything concerning herself-Sylvie rushed up to him and laid one hand on his arm. "What!

Therefore, speaking with all humility and sorrow, it may chance that Angela Sovrani's picture 'The Coming of Christ' may contain a required lesson to us of the Church as well as to certain sections of certain people, and that as all genius comes from God, it would be well to enquire earnestly whether we do not perhaps in these days need some hint or warning of the kind to recall us from ways of error, ere we wander too far.

Angela's eyes filled with tears as they rested on her friend's kindly face, a face usually so brilliant in its animated expression, but now saddened and worn by constant watching and fatigue. "You are far too good to me," she said in a low voice "And I am most unworthy of all your attention." Loyse D'Agramont paid no heed to this remark, but resumed reading the Prince Sovrani's epistle

"There is only one sorrow possible to a woman," replied the gentleman, who was no other than Florian Varillo, the ideal of Angela Sovrani's life, smiling as he spoke with a look in his eyes which conveyed an almost amorous meaning.

"In Donna Sovrani's case there can be no question of competition," answered Leigh quietly, "She is by far and away the best artist of her time." "You think so? Very good, very good!" and Gherardi laughed a little, "You are very chivalrous! You have a touch of the American in you, have you not? there is a tendency in the men of the New World to be always on their knees before women.

If the dagger-sheath were found and taken to his residence, it would be recognised instantly! And all Rome would rise against Angela Sovrani's murderer. Murderer! Yes, that was what he had chosen to make of himself! "It was all an impulse," he muttered, "Just a hot impulse, nothing more! Just a sudden hatred of her which made me stab her!

A faint ironical smile flickered over Sovrani's dark features. "The ban of excommunication has not been declared!" he said, "It will be a somewhat belated announcement!" Cardinal Bonpre folded the telegram, ready to take with him to the Vatican. "The Church can excommunicate even the dead!" he said sorrowfully, "If such an extreme measure is judged politic it will doubtless be carried out!"

He was quite unlike himself and beyond himself; if all our preachers were seized by the spirit of frankness in like manner " Here she broke off for she had arrived at Angela Sovrani's door, and a servant coming out, assisted her to alight, and led her horse into the courtyard there to await her leisure.

"But you are an exception to the majority of men. The majority are cruel and treacherous, and stupid as well. Dense stupidity is hard to fight against! Who for example, do you suppose, will understand the lesson of Donna Sovrani's great picture?" "All the New World!" said Aubrey, with enthusiasm, "It is for the New World not the Old.

Fontenelle felt that the dismissal of the maid who had been such a convenient spy for him, was due to Angela Sovrani's interference, and though angry, he was conscious of feeling at the same time mean in himself, and miserable.