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"On rencontre sa destinée Souvent par les chemins qu'on prend pour l'eviter." La Fontaine tells us this, and the Pope proves it to us. In spite of the attention paid to religious instruction, the sermons, the good books, the edifying spectacles, the lottery, and so many other good things, faith is departing.

Colonel John heard him say. The next moment the door was sharply closed and he caught no more. But he had heard enough to quicken his pulses. What was it she wished to tell him? Souvent femme varie? Was she already seeking to follow up the hint which she had given him on Bale's behalf?

Nous parlong de Napolleong, mademoiselle, dong voter pere a ete le General favvory." "O Dieu! que n'ai je pu le voir," interjaculates mademoiselle. "Lui dont parle l'univers, dont mon pere m'a si souvent parle!" but this remark passes quite unnoticed by mademoiselle's friend, who continues: "Clive, donnez-moi voter bras. These are two of my girls. My boys are at school.

This looks like an apology for what I am sure needs none; it requires much more, that I seem to have established it as a rule to trouble you so often. James's, but when they are confined to this spot. I can have no reason for pestering you with them, but par un esprit de bavardise, ou pour me rappeler plus souvent a votre souvenir; ce que votre amitie a rendu pour moi tres inutile.

* "On sait que chez les Athéniens, les auteurs jouaient souvent dans leurs pieces, et qu'ils n'etoient point déshonorés pour parler avec grace devant leurs concitoyens." In arriving at this decision, however, it will be remarked that one simple but important proviso or condition is indicated not to be dishonoured they must speak with grace, that is, effectively.