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Some again are most horribly addicted to frequent the pestilential Bawdy-houses; of which they are never satisfied, till mony, cloaths, books, and their own health of body is consumed; and then come home to their Parents soundly peppered.

"Oh, Phil, you're such a comfort," she said with an extravagant hug, "but aren't you going home tomorrow?" "No, not until Friday. I want to see Zay before I go, and I'm not afraid of unlucky Friday either," laughing. Louie slept soundly and was in very good spirits. The girls were all eager for the morning paper. The scare was pretty well over.

"The cadet who had made the foregoing proposition began the trial of L No. "'Does he admit that he took the belt? "'He admits it. "'Does he feel that he has done something that has made him absolutely unworthy of being a cadet any longer? "'He feels it. "'Does he choose that we report him to the captain or that we thrash him soundly and that the matter shall then be buried?

She had leant forward while speaking, and by the flickering light of a lantern near by, gazed at Rose, who was breathing faintly, with parted lips. "You see how soundly she is sleeping," resumed the unhappy mother. "Surely the Blessed Virgin will take pity on her and cure her, won't she, Monsieur l'Abbe?

These jails were usually a double pen, the inside pen being covered with a roof, and the top of the outside pen being covered with sharp iron spikes. Between the pens one or more savage dogs were usually kept. This was the kind of place I was now placed in. Hungry, worn out with my journey, and nearly naked, I soon fell asleep from sheer exhaustion and slept soundly until morning.

Sivert especially had a genius for knocking in nails, but Eleseus was better at handling a plumb-line. By the end of a week, Isak and the boys had actually got the foundation posts in, and soundly fixed with stretcher pieces as thick as the beams themselves. It worked out all right everything worked out all right somehow.

She had to run till, from very fatigue, her rudeness ceased. Her heart gave way; she burst into tears, and ran on silently weeping. A minute more and the wise woman stooped, and lifting her in her arms, folded her cloak around her. Instantly she fell asleep, and slept as soft and as soundly as if she had been in her own bed.

"Mamma, I have not heretofore been timid about burglars," Violet said, when they were seated in the boudoir, each busied with a bit of needlework, "but I fear that I shall be in future; for only think, mamma, how near they were to my husband and myself while we lay sleeping soundly in our own room!

The greatest adventure of his infancy came when he was just twenty-eight days old. The time was late afternoon on a warm day. Having thrust his sister out from the coolest innermost corner of the cave, the black-and-gray pup had curled himself up there, and was sleeping soundly, while his sister lay somewhat nearer the opening of the cave.

Allen and the Deacon and Herman stood watching the process with apparently consuming interest. Mattie was still soundly sleeping.