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That I might have the deepest of soul-life, the deepest of all, deeper far than all this greatness of the visible universe and even of the invisible; that I might have a fulness of soul till now unknown, and utterly beyond my own conception. In the deepest darkness of the night the same thought rose in my mind as in the bright light of noontide.

Sir Heinz Schorlin's example would perhaps bring it also, as an elevating element, the sons of his peers. So, bathed in perspiration, and often on the point of fainting, he followed Heinz through the dust of the highway. Often, when his strength failed, and he sat down by the roadside to take breath, his soul-life gained a loftier aspiration.

Sir Heinz Schorlin's example would perhaps bring it also, as an elevating element, the sons of his peers. So, bathed in perspiration, and often on the point of fainting, he followed Heinz through the dust of the highway. Often, when his strength failed, and he sat down by the roadside to take breath, his soul-life gained a loftier aspiration.

Enormous multiplicity of soul-life, countless past existences revived in one. Nothing else can explain it.... It is not however, in the world of pure intellect that the story of psychical complexity is most admirable: it is in the world which speaks to our simplest emotions of love honor, sympathy, heroism.

This was to enable man to resist the effects of the division which evolution was about to set up in his soul-life the division which was to give him, on the one hand, an abstract experience of his own self, divorced from the outer world, and on the other a mere onlooker's experience of that outer world.