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I have come to you, 'cause I am going away to New York, and can't feel easy 'till you promise me you will do what you can. Miss Ellice is laying at the pint of death, and her poor child is so deestracted about her needing comforts, that I tole her I'de go on an' nuss her ma for her, 'till she was sot free and could hurry back.

"I dassn't break it off, gen'lemen, not by word of mouth; but but we might write." "And lay yourself open to a breach of promise case and heavy damages. No I've a better plan than that. We'll make Miss Dutton release you. She shall do the writing this time." "Boys," said Jasperson solemnly, "she'll never do it never! Her mind is sot on merridge. I see it all now. She hypnotised me, by golly!

Thare was no diskount, however, on them brave men who fit, bled and died in the American Revolushun. We needn't be afraid of setting 'em up two steep. Like my show, they will stand any amount of prase. G. Washington was abowt the best man this world ever sot eyes on. He was a clear-heded, warm-harted, and stiddy goin man. He never slopt over! They Rush Things.

Then she tried it agin, first she sot on one leg then on tother, quite oneasy, and then right atwixt both, a fidgettin about dreadfully; like a man that's rode all day on a bad saddle, and lost a little leather on the way. If you had seed how she stared at Porter, it would have made you snicker. She could'nt credit her eyes.

I put up with him till harvest was in, and then one day my patience give out. He upsot a churnful of cream in the back yard and was just as cool as a cowcumber over it laughed and said it was good for the land. I told him I wasn't in the habit of fertilizing my back yard with cream. But that's the men for you. Come in. I'll have tea ready in no time. I sot the table before I left.

"Thar ain't nothing better or safer than this here 'Sary Ann' along the shore," said the boat's master, grimly. "I sot every timber in her myself. She ain't got a crack or a creak in her. I keeled her and calked her, and I'll lay her agin any of them painted and gilded play-toys to weather the toughest gale on this here coast.

What then?" asked Miss Maitland. "Well, I went. I run 'most all the way. I got there an' he wasn't. He wasn't at all!" "Do you mean that he had left the cottage?" "My suz! I should think he has. He's left, an' my log-cabin quilt's left, an' my best feather tick, an' pillows, an' a pair blankets that kitchen-bedroom bedstead's stripped as clean as 'twas the day it was born I mean, sot up.

Henslowe, who was drinking hard, no sooner heard Elsmere's voice in the little hall than he dashed open the door which separated them, and, in a paroxysm of drunken rage, hurled at Elsmere all the venomous stuff he had been garnering up for months against some such occasion. The vilest abuse, the foulest charges there was nothing that the maddened sot, now fairly unmasked, denied himself.

Shuan was on his feet in a trice; he still looked dazed, but he meant murder, ay, and would have done it, for the second time that night, had not the captain stepped in between him and his victim. "Sit down!" roars the captain. "Ye sot and swine, do ye know what ye've done? Ye've murdered the boy!" Mr. Shuan seemed to understand; for he sat down again, and put up his hand to his brow.

"It can hardly be worth while to do so. He will be a painful object to see, a bloated sot, drinking himself to death as fast as he can." The next I heard of him was that he had succeeded. I reached St. John on the evening that a great celebration of the commencement of work on the first railway in the province was in progress. When things are undecided, small matters turn the scale.