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Take a quart of good boiling pease which put into a pot with a gallon of soft water whilst cold; add thereto a little beef or mutton, a little hung beef or bacon, and two or three large onions; boil all together while your soop is thick; salt it to your taste, and thicken it with a little wheat-flour; strain it thro' a cullender, boil a little sellery, cut it in small pieces, with a little crisp bread, and crisp a little spinage, as you would do parsley, then put it in a dish, and serve it up.

But the best way, is to cut them cross, as you do French-Beans, and stew them in Gravey with a little Pepper and Salt, there is not any thing in my Opinion can eat better, and to be put in a gravey Soop, are incomparable; especially, if they have been parboil'd, and rubb'd dry, and then fry'd in burnt Butter.

'Are ye Gairman heroes or just low-doon Austreens that ye fear ain wee bairdie? "'Lootenant, say they, 'yon feller is Tam o' the Scoots, the Brigand o' the Stars! "'Ech! he says. 'Gang oop, ain o' ye, an' ask the lad to coom doon an' tak' a soop wi' us we maun keep on the recht side o' Tam!"

"Lay me a pat-lid richt here, man. Soop her up soop, soop, man. Get her by the gaird. Let her be. I'm wrang, bring her ben the hoose. Stop stop, I'm tellin' ye. Noo, soop, soop her in, man." "Noo, minister, be up this time," cries Geordie. "Soop, soop her up. That's a graun' yin, minister.

For some time after that they wove their way along the sweeping Parkroads without speaking, and when they did begin to talk to one another again, the subject was a different one and Mr. van Soop was more cheerful. The tea hour was a fairly merry one.

I can picture equally vividly the curling-pond in winter-time, tuneful with the merry chirrup of the curling-stones as they skim over the ice, whilst cries of "Soop her up, man, soop! Soop!" from the anxious "skip" fill the keen air.

Master walked away from him pale and hotty, and, taking his seat at table, no moor mindid the brandishments of Miss Griffin, but only replied to them with a pshaw, or a dam at one of us servnts, or abuse of the soop, or the wine; cussing and swearing like a trooper, and not like a well-bred son of a noble British peer.

They seemed never to grow tired of hearing Dick and Kate sing 'The Mulligan Guards, and when she called out 'Corps' and he touched his cap, and they broke into a dance, the delight of the workpeople knew no bounds, and they often stopped the entertainment to hand up their mugs of beer to the mummers with a 'Ave a soop, mon.

"Why, because no one with a name like van Soop to begin with would name a little darling baby PIET," submitted Sammy. "Oh, come," said Mr. van Soop. "Your own name, now! Sammy, as Mary always calls you that's nothing to boast of, you know, and I'll bet you were a very darling little baby yourself!"

Sammy laughed joyously, and a dozen fellow guests glanced sympathetically in the direction of the fresh, childish sound. "Well, if that's really your name, of course you can't help it," she conceded, adding, with the naivete that Mr. van Soop already found delightful: "Wouldn't the COMBINATION be awful, though! Sammy van Soop!"