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"De la reine," answered the Highlander, giving the name of a well-known French regiment commanded by Bougainville; and then he added in a low voice, "Ne faites pas de bruit; ce sont les vivres" for a convoy with provisions was expected by the French. The Highlanders were at the forefront in the stiff climb up the heights which proved to be Wolfe's master stroke.

It made the servants laugh, however; and when I would step to the front in person, and, with tears in my eyes, beseech them to be sober, they would but laugh the louder. 'Bless you, sir, they're only mice ce ne sont que des souris, the cook called out on one such occasion. She meant it as an apology and a consolation, but it was the unkindest cut of all. Only mice, indeed!

"Finissons sans trouble, et mourons sans regrets, En laissant l'univers, comble de nos bienfaits. Ainsi l'astre du jour au bout de sa carriere, Repand sur l'horizon une douce lumiere, Et les derniers rayons qu'il darde dans lea airs, Sont ses derniers soupirs qu'il donne a l'univers." The marquis listened with rapture to this improvised poem of the king.

His tone of contemptuous indulgence toward a more or less captious clergy might be tolerated, but he should have shown a more respectful sincerity in dealing with the sincere and the spiritual. Mon Dieu, que les honnetes gens sont souvent exposes a etre des pharisiens sans le savoir!" Later.

In the course of this visit he was asked whether there were any other Javan artists who had attained similar proficiency. He replied, "Café et sucre, sucre et café, sont tout-ce qu'on parle ici. C'est vraiment un air triste pour un artiste." The artistic perception inborn in the Javan natives is nowhere more clearly manifested than in the colour and form of their dress.

Ce même défaut de poisson se remarque dans la plus part de lacs et des rivières des Cordillères, probablement par une cause semblable; il n'y en a point dans les deux lacs assez étendus qui sont près de la ville d'Hyvarra dans la province de Quito, non plus que dans les rivières de la province de Pastos.

Mon pere est parti tout entier, lui-meme jusqu'au bout, dans la possession de son esprit et de son ame, plein de confiance en Dieu, nous recommandant de servir le pays qu'il avait supremement aime et dont les malheurs ont d'abord ebranle sa sante. Ma Pauline aussi ne s'etait jamais relevee de la guerre. Us sont ensemble et en paix. Adieu, mon cher Monsieur.

There is no standard now, no conventional type, no good "model." It is an age of "Go-as-you-please," and of tous les genres sont bons, surtout le genre ennuyeux. In almost any age of English literature, or indeed of any other literature, an experienced critic can detect the tone of the epoch at once in prose or verse. There is in them an unmistakeable Zeit-Geist in phraseology and form.

The old man came back in about five minutes. He walked slowly, and seemed very careful about bearing his weight on the afflicted member. "I sont 'Liza Jane fer ter wake Tom up," he said. "He's down in de orchard asleep under a tree somewhar. 'Liza Jane knows whar he is. It takes a minute er so fer ter wake 'im up. 'Liza Jane knows how ter do it.

Davenpo't owned him an' when he heard 'bout da Yankees comin' dis way, he sont his white driver an' Howard in de carri'ge wid all his valuables to de swamp to hide, an' while dey was thar de white driver, he went off to sleep an' Howard was prowlin' 'roun' an' we all jes reckin he went on off wid de Yankees. "You mean hoo doo? Dat's whut ma pappy done to my mammy.