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Many dusty miles in Sonora had been clipped off by Four Bits before the chill moon rose above the black line of the distant hills and flooded a transformed land with magical light, touching a parched and arid earth to a vibrant and mysterious beauty of whispering yucca and fantastic cactus and weird outline of mesquite.

And if the deputy didn't take the hint, I reckon Adams would 'a' lit into him. I knowed Adams's daddy afore he married Annie Adams and went to live in Sonora." "Then you knew that his father was Jim Waring?" "I sure did. And I reckon I kep' somebody from gettin' a awful wallopin'. I was a kid oncet myself." Play

"I am contemplating investing in Central Sonora when it is placed on the market." "Ah!" "Yes, señor. I have some money I wish to invest in something solid and promising. I presume you will be ready enough to put out much of that stock, and it may start a little slow. On your assurance that you believe it a good thing, I will take some shares." "How much do you contemplate investing?"

Unburied corpses of emigrants and carcasses of mules who had preceded them, making the hot air foul and loathsome. Wo to the weak and faltering in such a journey! They were left alone to die on the burning sands. On the Sonora route, one of the party fell sick, and rode on behind his companions, unable to keep pace with them for several days, yet always arriving in camp a few hours later.

A wonderful thing happened then and as suddenly as it was characteristic of these impulsive and tender-hearted men. In thinking over their action long afterwards the Girl recalled how for an instant she could believe neither her ears nor her eyes. With Sonora it was credible, at least; but with Rance it seemed wonderful to her even when observed through the vista of many years.

They had been on a raid among the Mexican settlements in Sonora and were now returning home with their plunder. The temptation was one which Carson and his companions could not resist. They sent a volley from their rifles among the thieves, which threw them into such a panic that they dashed off at full speed without giving the least thought to their valuable property.

At the Sonoita the invaders were met by a proclamation from Pesquiera, forwarded through Redondo, the Prefect of Altar, warning them not to enter the State of Sonora. When men have resolved on destruction, reason is useless, and they paid no attention to the order, and crossed the boundary line of Mexico with arms and in hostile array.

But frequently Jones will break in upon me in the middle of a column of figures and tell me that the largest ranch in the world is situated in the State of Sonora, Mexico. "Yes?" I say, hoping that he will go away. "Yes," he assures me. "It is so large that the proprietor can ride 200 days on horseback without leaving his own grounds.

The Archbishop of Mexico $130,000 The Bishop of Pueblo 110,000 The Bishop of Valladolid 110,000 The Bishop of Guadalajara 90,000 The Bishop of Durango 35,000 The Bishop of Monterey 30,000 The Bishop of Yucatan 20,000 The Bishop of Oajaca 18,000 The Bishop of Sonora 6,000 Total individual income of twelve bishops $539,000 Essai Politique, vol. i. p. 173.

Once he’s into Sonora we can’t touch him—I know he has friends down there." "Could he try to take the wagon road south?" "As a last resort, perhaps. The pass was the only outlet through which he could run that band of stolen horses and his pack mules. But there are other places, at least two I know of, where a few men, riding light, can get through. I believe he’ll try to head for one of those."