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Munsberg jerked himself upright irascibly, and broke forth in the accent of the New York German Jew. "If you comin' in here to try to sell somedings, young man, joost you let that same vind vat blew you in blow you right out pretty quick. I'm not buyin' nodings. I'm busy." "I'm not selling a darned thing," answered Tembarom, with undismayed cheer. "You vant someding?" jerked out Munsberg.

"It vas alvays so," he said; "ven mine heart vas settled on someding, den I lose it;" but she reassured him by saying that there was no certainty that she would not return. Mary Muir was so overwhelmed with astonishment that at first she scarcely returned Madge's warm embrace.

"But you shall know someding before you leave," he retorted, wagging his head at me; and this time it was not the book, but a specimen, that he pushed into my grasp. He gave it a name, not as bad as platyrrhine, but I feared worse was coming; then he took it away from me, gave me another skull, and while I obediently held it, pronounced something quite beyond me.

"Is there one lingering doubt in any mind here as to the tremendous find which makes the production of all those possible?" "Id iss der miracle, Mr. Vynne," admitted the German gravely, after a little pause. "Dere iss someding before us as nefer vas in der vorld. I am gonvinced!" "Up to this moment, gentlemen, the De Beers Syndicate has controlled the diamond market," Mr.

But afder der vater is gone down, unt dry oop unt eberding, dere vas yet der house dere. Unt my friends dey sait, 'Dot's all you got yet. Vell, feex oop der house dot's someding! feex oop der house, unt you vood still hatt yet a home! Vell, all summer I go to work, unt spent me eberding unt feex der proberty. Den I got yet a morgage on der house!

But does not woot ant column cost money in America, someding?" "To be sure it does. There is not a man in the country who would undertake to replace that pillar with a new one, paint and all, for less than ten dollars." This was an opening for a discussion on the probable cost of putting a new pillar into the place of the one that was injured.

It ist not ferry easy to explain it in a few vords, but der brincipal ding ist dat der vassal owes a serfice to hist lort. In de olten dimes dis serfice vast military, und dere ist someding of dat now. It ist de noples who owe der feudal serfice, brincipally, in mine coontry, and dey owes it to de kings and brinces." "And don't you call giving a chicken for rent feudal service, in Germany?"

There was no broom, no hoe, or shovel, or spade to sweep or scrape the floor; and the horrors were falling upon me when the man of the blankets came, and said: "Mattam, iv you are goin' to do any ding for tese men, you petter git dem someding to eat." "Something to eat?" "Yaas! mine Cot, someding to eat! De government petter leave dem to tie on de pattle field, nur do pring tem here to starve."

That picture there shows what you can do, and you need to work now more from the commercial standpoint than the artist's." After a moment's thought, the man said, "You are right. As I look around dis room, and see our needs, I see dat you are right. Do' I meant to attempt someding difficult, to show Mr. Ludolph vat I could do." "That will all come in good time; and now, my friend, good-night."

He says dere ish vat you call him pig virl-a-rounds up dere dat vould plow all der beoples off der earth in von vink, und ven I tells him dat he ish von pig virl-a-round himself, runnin' und runnin', und lettin' der vork schstand, den von of der schpots come outen on him und I dink he plow my hed offen." By and by she began again: "If it ish not schpots it ish someding else.