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Told 'em to send over soon's ever it come," said the farmer calmly. "Shouldn't wonder ef suthing was afire some'r's," conjectured the hired man, surveying the horizon for a cloud of smoke. Instead of advancing to meet the messenger, both stood like statues in blue overalls and red flannel shirts, till the boy arrived and told his tale. "Sho, that's bad," said the farmer, anxiously.

"But folks dat aint acted right liable to be found mos' anytime tied up some'r's: De Niggers were a-havin' a party one Satu'd'y night on Hampton's plantation. Come some men on horses wid some kin' o' scare-face on 'em. Dey call for Miler Hampton. He were one o' de Hampton Niggers. He been up to somethin'. I don't know what he done, but dey say he done somethin' bad.

Told 'em to send over soon 's ever it come," said the farmer, calmly. "Shouldn't wonder ef suthing was afire some'r's," conjectured the hired man, surveying the horizon for a cloud of smoke. Instead of advancing to meet the messenger, both stood like statues in blue overalls and red flannel shirts, till the boy arrived and told his tale. "Sho, that's bad," said the farmer, anxiously.

You lay it away safe some'r's. Don't seem to me I'd let anybody see it, if I's you, till you've been over it yourself." Raven, with a nod of understanding, took the book, put it into his desk drawer and turned the key, and Charlotte hurried away to her kitchen. When he went downstairs again, he found Amelia at the open door. She was all an excitement of anticipation.

I'spect I's gwina have to git de marster to sell you some'r's else. Another marster gwina whup you in de groun' if he ketch you runnin' 'way lak dis. I's sho sad for you if you gits sol' away. Us gwina miss you 'roun' dis plantation. After dat old Joe stayed close in an' dey warnt no more trouble out o' him. "Dat big white man called Duncan, he seen dat de Niggers b'have deyse'ves right.

Come to think of it, yes, he did, too. Said he had on an old straw hat with a red an' blue band round it. Sam said he noticed that because 'twas so early for a straw. Said it looked more like a child's hat. Guessed he'd picked it up some'r's." "Yes," said Ann, out of her daze, "so 't did."

"Then what if we should hire him?" said Raven. "What if I should go up and ask him now?" Jerry was slowly coming to. "He's been by here to-day," said he, "axe in his hand. Went as if he's sent for. Then he went back." "Well, that was an hour or more ago," said Charlotte. "You says to me, 'Where's he be'n? says you. Yes, he's got home long 'fore this. You'll find him some'r's round home."

She never wanted to stay in one place, nohow. If she had a crop ha'f made an' somebody made her mad, she'd up an' leave it an' go some'r's else. "You know, dey was mighty strict, 'bout den, wid cullud folks, an' white people, too. De Kloo Kluxes was out nights. I hear'd tell 'bout 'em whuppin' people. But dey never bothered me.

"She's here, by Jerry!" muttered Katz. "Hogan and Wynn haven't left us yet not just yet! I allow they're whoopin' it up, some'r's, and are show gettin' out to the yacht." "Maybe they're on the Sylvia," said Burton, "and some of the crew's ashore." "What diff'rence does it make who's ashore and who's on the yacht?" "It makes a good deal," put in the motor wizard.