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So I decided that I would solve a mystery and collect my material that evening, and I went riding." "The deuce you " "So I had quite a distance to go, and I did not want to worry any one by being gone long. So I er didn't like to wake Bill up " "Hunh!" from Bill, this time. "I really intended to take Tango as usual," Mary V explained with dignity.

In fact, if we are ever to solve the broader, bigger, more attractive problems, like the problem of vocational education, or the problem of retardation, we must first find a solution for some of the smaller and seemingly trivial questions of the very existence of which the lay public may be quite unaware, but which you and I know to mean an untold total of waste and inefficiency in the work that we are trying to do.

It came to him as he woke from sleep, before the morning dawned, while the lamp, lighted overnight, was burning still; and still it is so far the same that these occurrences which suggest to us problems that we cannot attempt to solve, mostly take place at times of transition from the sleeping to the waking state. The ocular spectra are usually far more vivid and detailed.

He was neither quite host nor guest; but no doubt in the easy play of the life, which Westover was rather proud to find so charming, the question would solve itself rationally and gracefully.

You can't guess how that braces me the thought that it's for you! You see, I'm beginning to count on things now. I'm not even afraid of your money now. Good old Grif Griffith, you know has given me a shy at a peach of a proposition toughest problem I was ever up against. It's a big irrigation dam that has feazed half a dozen good engineers." "But you'll solve the problem! You can do anything!"

Hell, yer couldn't get within half a mile an' not be spotted. It's bull luck yer run inter me." Brennan and Westcott looked at each other, both uncertain as to the next step. What were they to do with their prisoner? And how could they proceed toward effecting the rescue of the helpless girl? It was a problem not easy to solve, if what Moore told them was true.

It was the question on every tongue and in every eye when, after mass, she passed down the lane respectfully widened for her in the throng on the steps and with a black-garbed sister at her side, walked to the nuns' house. "If only she had a religious vocation," sighed Sister Serapoline. "That would solve all difficulties, and save her soul and happiness."

They continued to insist that only thoroughgoing reforms can solve the Jewish question. The people at large did not side with them, and even among the educated their view of the situation was not shared by the younger men.

Hence the belli causa, for he cannot serve two masters, the God of his own inward light and the Mammon of common sense, at one and the same time. How can a man think apart and not apart? But if he is a genius this is the riddle he must solve.

One might point out how the Renaissance was great, because it sought to solve no social problem, and busied itself not about such things, but suffered the individual to develop freely, beautifully, and naturally, and so had great and individual artists, and great and individual men.