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XXXVI. These are the things to do during the eighth season between the winter solstice and the rising of the west wind. Drain the fields, if any water is standing on them, but if they are dry and the land is friable, harrow them. Prune the vines and the orchard. When it is not fitting to work in the fields then those things should be done which can be done under cover during the winter twilight.

The result of observations conducted during a series of years shows that the maximum solar intensity at 17° 12' reaches 66.2° F., while at a zenith distance of 61° 28' it is 52.5° F.; hence, minimum atmospheric absorption at New York, during the summer solstice, 13.7 is 66.2°-52.5° = 13.7° F., or = 0.207 of the sun's 66.2 radiant energy where the rays enter the terrestrial atmosphere.

The very name for Christmas in Provençal, Calèndo, tells how this Christian festival lives on from the Roman festival of the Winter Solstice, the January Kalends; and the beliefs and customs which go with its celebration still more plainly mark its origin.

I leave to him the responsibility for his poetic images and his moral reflections, blossoms unknown to my naturalist's garden; but I can swear to the truth of all he says, for it corresponds with what I see each summer on the lilac-trees of my garden. The first Cigales appear about the summer solstice.

It may be considered a support to this view that carbonic-acid gas becomes liquid at 140° F. and solid at 162° F., temperatures far higher than we should expect to prevail in the polar and north temperate regions of Mars during a considerable part of the year, but such as might be reached there during the summer solstice when the `snows' so rapidly disappear, to be re-formed a few months later.

Summer dining rooms to the north, because that quarter is not, like the others, burning with heat during the solstice, for the reason that it is unexposed to the sun's course, and hence it always keeps cool, and makes the use of the rooms both healthy and agreeable.

He was desperately wounded, and of course incapacitated for his post. Thus, in that year, before the summer solstice, a fifth commandant had fallen. On the same day, simultaneously with this repulse in the West Bulwark, the enemy made himself at last completely master of the Polder.

When the summer solstice has passed, the progressive change in the cause begins to take place the reverse way, but, for some time, the accumulating effect of the mere continuance of the cause exceeds the effect of the changes in it, and the temperature continues to increase. Again, the motion of a planet is a progressive effect, produced by causes at once permanent and progressive.

And since for some years the rate of the progress is much slower and appears almost insensible as the days seem to cease lengthening when the solstice is near it is pleasant to think that probably there are not many things for which we need envy future generations."

He found the distance between the tropics less than 53° 6', and greater than 52° 96', which gives a mean of 23° 51' for the obliquity of the ecliptic. Plutarch, however, who died A.D. 119, informs us, that, in his time, the gnomons at Syene were no longer shadowless on the day of the summer solstice.