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The leader of the troop stepped up to the door of the Solarite, and coming to what was obviously a position of attention, put his left hand over his right breast in an equally obvious salute, and waited. The coin was flipped with due ceremony it would decide which of them were to have the distinction of being the first Terrestrians to set foot on Venus.

Slowly, cautiously they maneuvered the Solarite back to the spot, and looked down on a sea of seething lava! Morey broke the awed silence. "Lord what power that thing carries! No wonder they could support it in the air! But how can they control such power? What titanic forces!" Slowly Arcot sent the Solarite away into the night into the kindly darkness once more.

I like to think that we might find people on Venus, and I would like to have a name on it that might be translatable into more friendly and less foreign terms why not call it Solarite?" "Solarite a member of the solar system it will be that, always. It will be a world unto itself when it makes its trips it will take up an orbit about the sun a true member of the solar system. I like it!"

The giant plane twisted and turned as it fell swiftly downward into the darkness and, again there came that world-rocking explosion, and the mighty column of light. Again and yet again the Solarite found and destroyed Kaxorian super-planes, protected in the uneven conflict by their diminutive size and the speed of their elusive maneuvering.

After apparently conferring by telepathic means with his superiors, the officer asked if the Solarite could be moved to some more accessible place. Arcot agreed to have it moved to a spot just outside the city, where the water could be procured directly from a stream. The drinking water would be ready when he returned to the city.

It was going over a mile a second now a speed that demanded only that it move its own length in about five-eights of a second! It made this tremendous speed by streamlining and through sheer power. The Solarite hovered high above the dark ship at length, the roar of the terrific air blast from its propellers below coming up to them as a mighty wave of sound that made their own craft tremble!

The discussion ended there, for already the light outside had deepened to a murky twilight. The Terrestrians were led quickly down to the elevator, which dropped them rapidly to the ground. There was still a large crowd about the Solarite, but the way was quickly cleared for them. As the men passed through the crowd, a peculiar sensation struck them very forcibly.

"We can't land on that this thing weighs too much we'd probably sink right through it! The street looks wide enough for us to land there." Arcot maneuvered the Solarite over the edge of the roof, and dropped it swiftly down the half mile to the ground below. Just above the street, he leveled off, and descended slowly, giving the hurrying crowds plenty of time to get from beneath it.

A tremendous wave of sound burst from the loudspeaker as the planes rolled across the ground to leap gracefully into the air half a million tons of metal! From the Solarite there darted a pale beam of ghostly light, faintly gray, tinged with red and green the ionized air of the beam. It moved in a swift half circle.

Startled amazement was written all over his face, as his companions turned in wonderment to see that he was partially visible! The Solarite, too, had become a misty ghost ship about them; they were becoming visible!