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When, at last, he did come, the Second and the Mate joined in giving him a good dressing down for a lazy sojer; so that several minutes passed before we were on our way forrard again.

'Sure, of coorse, they can't be up to his thricks, an' he an ould sojer! And here Andy let fly vivaciously beneath his unconscious adversary's left ear, restraining the knuckles within about half an inch of his throat. 'Are you speaking to me, my good man? said the captain, suddenly wheeling round upon Andy, who sat face to his back.

Private Tosh, on being confronted with his winter trousseau, observed bitterly "I jined the Airmy for tae be a sojer; but I doot they must have pit me doon as a mountain goat!" Still, though our variegated pelts cause us to resemble an unsuccessful compromise between Esau and an Eskimo, they keep our bodies warm. We wish we could say the same for our feet.

Yes, Boss," he said thoughtfully, without taking his eyes from the glass. "Joeboy know how." "You do?" said Denham quickly. "Tell us, then." "Boss Colonel send Boss Val and hundred sojer fetch um." "It wouldn't do, Joeboy," I said sadly. "There would be another big fight, and we should lose a lot of men and horses without getting the wagon." "Um? Yes. Too many Doppie."

I hain't nebber been a sojer like you, cousin, an' it's a fac' dat I don't keer ter be; but I du say ez how I'd be ez willin' ter stan' up an' fight fer de rights we's got ez enny man dat ebber's trod de sile ennywhere's 'bout Red Wing, ef I thought ez how 'twould do de least bit ob good. But I tell yer, gemmen, hit won't do enny good, not de least bit, an' I knows it.

"The first sojer I catch trespassin' on my piece o' ground, I'll have the law on him!" "Hullo! Be you the owner o' this patch, then?" "Yes, I be: and I tell 'ee you've no business messin' around my property." The corporal removed the pipe from his mouth and rubbed its bowl softly against the side of his nose. "So you said, to be sure.

I went dat-a-way, an' den I hear you shootin' ober dis-a-way, an' seed yoh fiah, and I cut acrost to git to you. Whah'd you git so many guns, an' sich big ones? Sound like sojer guns. I done beared dem way ober dah, an' I " "Hold on, boys," sternly shouted Shorty, springing in front of them and throwing up their guns. "Don't one o' you dare shoot! Hold up, I say! Hello, you there! Who are you?"

There is on'y wan horse in Japan, but ivry Japanese sojer has larned to ride him. To see wan iv their magnificent cav'lry rijments goin' into action mounted on Joko is a sight long to be raymimbered. Above all, th' Jap'nese is most to be feared because iv his love iv home an' his almost akel love iv death. He is so happy in Japan that we wud rather die somewhere's else.

"It affronts a decent man's understandin'. But 'tis always the same wi' sojers. In the Navy, when I belonged it, we had a sayin' 'A messmate afore a ship-mate, a ship mate afore a dog, an' a dog afore a sojer." "To judge by your appearance," said the corporal with no sign of umbrage, "that was some time ago, afore they started the Territorial movement. . . . Ever study what they call Stradegy?

"Now, gintlemin," says Moran, "I advise you to buy this rum, 7s. 6d. a gallon! going, going! Gintlemin, I was once a sojer don't laugh, you officers there, for I was and a sirjeant into the bargain. It wasn't in the Irish militia bad luck to you, liftenant, for laughing that way, it will spoil the rum! I was the tip-top of the sirjeants of the regiment long life to it!