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Caramba! it takes him to polish off the red liquor." "How know you that?" "Saint Christopher! how know I? Did I not just meet him at the main hatch so drunk he fell over the coamings. The sojer on guard set him up against the butt of the foremast to sober off in the night air."

"Hello," cried the man on the wagon seeing the child was not hurt, "yer can soak me one if it ain't little Joe! Where'd yer git dem togs, kid? What'r' yer goin' in fer anyhow, baby perlice?" The region in the neighborhood of Joey's waist swelled with pride, and his chubby face bore a look of wounded dignity. "There ain't no perlice about this yere, Bill, it's a sojer I be, see?"

They had now approached a gate, before which paced an armed sentry, in answer to whose challenge, the little man, who grew consequential as he neared the citadel, said, "This ere youngster, Mr. Sojer, wants to see the commander of this ere institution on very perticler business, which admits of no delay."

'Aw, that's easy, he says " 'Sojer, sojer, Diddy, diddy, dodger! "'Now hand me over the money, he says. I could have slapped his ear." Almost as he ended his simple story, the procession came to a halt: the strains of Tom Bowling changed into noisy and, on the part of the ladies, very unladylike expostulations. Mr. Jope started forward and leaned out of the window. "I think," said the Rev. Mr.

So I stood by him, placed a hand on each side of his corrugated brow, steadied my voice and said: "Be a man and a soldier!" He had asked me for bread; I gave him a stone, and no wonder he dashed it back in my face. With a fierce cry he said: "I hev been a man and a sojer long enough!" Ah! verily had he, and much too long.

Better be allus on the smile than lookin' savage at everyone." "Ay, to be sure, Smiler. Wonder, though, what did make this poor chap do it? He's a young un, too, for a sojer. I say, any on you hear his pistol go off last night?" No one answered; but the man who held the revolver began to examine it. "Here, just you mind what you're about with that thing," said Smiler.

I see wan iv thim stockin' up at a wholesale dhrug store last week. If the sojers escape th' knock-out dhrops they come down-town an' Doherty takes care iv thim. A sojer gets thirteen dollars a month, we'll say. Twelve dollars he can devote to dhrink an' wan dollar to th' fine. Twelve times eight hundhred an' twelve times that well, 'tis no small item in th' coorse iv a year.

Once I remember I saw a sojer and his wife a-lying down by the wayside; they couldn't go no farther and had lain down to die together; and I wished that it had been Jan and me; but I had the boy on my back and I went on. Well, I won't tell you what terrible sights we saw on the road; but I'll tell 'ee this, that I have seen grown men a-sobbing like children for pain and cold and hunger.

It was rayported last week that th' advance had begun, but on sindin' out scouts 'twas discovered that th' asphalt road to th' capital was not r-ready an' th' gallant sojer boys was afraid to risk their beecycles on a defictive pavement.

"It's wrong," he used to say; and in these days he was back at Isleworth, for Mr Solomon had entered into partnership with his brother, and both Ike and Shock had elected to follow him back to the old place. "Yes," he would say, "it's wrong, Mars Grant, I was always drew to you because your father had been a sojer; but what would he have said to you if he had lived to know as you turned gunner?"