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On the 5th of February, 1654, Captain John Mason, of Pequot memory, writes "a word or twoe of newes as it comes from Mr Eaton, viz: that the Parliament sate in September last; they chose their old Speaker & Clarke. The Protectour told them they were a free Parliament, & soe left them that day.

Mistrisse, I sent an advocate to plead My guiltless cause: you, too severe a Judge Forbad him audience; I am therefore come Once more to prove my innocence. Cla. Come, without Ceremony Forgive you her and she shall pardon you Most willingly. Bon. Can you have soe much mercy, You soe much goodnes? Bel.

"In this way," complained the commons of Charles City county, "Berkeley hath soe fortifyed his power over us, as himselfe without respect to our laws, to doe what soever he best pleased." His power over the Council became even more marked. The men composing this important body looked to the governors for appointment to lucrative offices and endeavored usually to keep their favor.

Kiss them alle for me thus and thus." ... Soe gave me back into Dancey's arms, the guards about him alle weeping. I did make a second rush, and agayn they had pitie on me and made pause while I hung upon his neck. He whispered, "Meg, for Christ's sake don't unman me.

Bel. Well, we shall see the goodly youth your curiositie has elected, when my brother returnes, I hope. Clar. I hope soe, too; I marvill where this Cub is, He is not roaring here yet. Enter Thorogood. Bon. Tho. Ladies, I must desire your pardon for my friend: I have some busines will a while deprive him Your sweet companies. Clar. Take him away; we are weary of him. Bel. Bon.

"I found," he says, "the plantations generally seated upon meer salt marishes full of infectious boggs and muddy creeks and lakes, and thereby subjected to all those inconveniences and diseases which are soe commonly found in the most unsounde and most unhealthy parts of England whereof everie country and clymate hath some."

Let me alone, you trouble me; I feele A soddaine change; each organ of my soule Suffers a strong vicissitude; and, though I do detest a voluntary death, My Conscience tells me that it is most iust That the cursd author of such impious ills Ought not to live. Tho. O thinke not soe: those words Retaine affinity with that passion I hop'd youd left.

The sea was soe furious 6 or 7 houres after that it did almost overturne our ship, so that wee were forced to cut our masts rather then cutt our lives; but wee came back safe, God be thanked, and the other, I hope, is gone on his voyage, God be with him.

I desire you would order Monsr. de Lamberville that soe long as he stayes amongst those people he would meddle only with the affairs belonging to his function. "Monsieur," replies Denonville, "I thank you for your oranges. It is a great pity that they were all rotten."

No, Sir; want of dutie: But I will make that tongue give him the lye That said soe, drunck or sober; take my word for't. Your Compaine is cast: you had best complaine To your Great Generall, and see if he Can of himself maintaine you, Come, Modes-bargen. Leid. I am sorry for you, Captaine, but take comfort: I love a Soldier, and all I can doe To make you what you were, shall labour for you.