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"How many haires' breadths makes a tall man and how many makes a little man, noe man can well say, yet we know a tall man when we see him from a low man; soe 'tis in this, how many illegal acts make a treason is not certainly well known, but we well know it when we see." Mr.

In the testimony of Edward Wilson, the surgeon one of the "favorites" the point is made, credited to Staffe, that "the reason why the Master should soe favour to give meate to some of the companie and not the rest" was because "it was necessary that some of them should be kepte upp" in other words, that some members of the crew, without regard to the needs of the remainder, should receive food enough to give them strength to work the ship.

Yes, when his Hands Nombre de Dios, Cartagena, Hispaniola, With Cuba and the rest of those faire Sisters, The mermaydes of those Seas, whose golden strings Give him his sweetest musicke, when they by Drake And his brave Ginges were ravishd; when these red apples Were gather'd and brought hither to be payrd Then the Castilian Lyon began to roare. Had he not cause, being vexd soe?

They adopted me. I gave every one a guift, and they to mee. Having so disposed of our buissinesse, the winter comes on, that warns us; the snow begins to fall, soe we must retire from the place to seeke our living in the woods. Every one getts his equipage ready. So away we goe, but not all to the same place; two, three att the most, went one way, and so of an other.

They begane first at the abay gates, and when the first pagiante was played, it was wheeled to the highe crosse befor the mayor, and soe to every streete. And soe every streete had a pagiant playinge before them at one time, till all the pagiantes for the daye appoynted weare played.

We went on some journeys with a deale of paines and labour becaus for our weeknesse, and moreover a man of the other boat fell sick of the ague, soe that one of us must helpe him either in the carriag or drawing the boat; and, which was wors, my compagnion was childish and yong as I. The long familiarity we had with one another breeded contempt, so that we would take nothing from one another, which made us goe together by the ears, and fought very often till we weare covered in blood.

Doe not you see the earth that nourishes all living creatures, the water the fishes, and the yus, and that corne and all other seasonable fruits for our foode, which things are not soe contrary to us as that from above?" As he said so he coursed vehemently after his owne maner.

Would we might now give them the selfe same cause To call us soe. The very name of Drake Was a Bugbear to fright Children; Nurses still'd Their little Spanish Nynnyes when they cryde "Hush! the Drake comes." All this must needs beget Their mortall hate to us. It did; yet then We lovd them beyond measure. Why? Why, did not Spaine fetch gold from the West Indies for us To spend here merrily?

Most false by all that ever man can sweare by. We falling out, I told her once I nere Would marry her; & soe she workes this mischiefe. Gyr. You here stand chargd for ravishing her, & you Must marry her or she may have your life. Mac. Lady, what say you? which had you rather have, His life or him? Ele.

Soe you will see us in your countrey. If they be dead, we will spend all to be revenged, and will gather up the whole countrey for the next spring, for that purpose to destroy those that weare the causers of their death, and you shall see our strenght and vallour.