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On many mornings I waited round the gates of Buckingham Palace but I found it quite impossible to meet the King in the quiet sociable way in which one met him in Orillia. The English, it seems, love to make the kingship a subject of great pomp and official etiquette. In Canada it is quite different. Perhaps we understand kings and princes better than the English do.

Audubon could not but admire "their peaceful communities, which require only being left in peace to enjoy happiness." Like all sociable animals, they are lively and playful, they easily combine with other species, and they have attained a very high degree of intellectual development.

Oh, say! there's a sociable to-morrow night; I guess we'd better go, hadn't we?" "Go alone?" "Alone? No! Take some girls. I'm going to take neighbor Pickett's daughter; she's homely as a hedge fence, but I'll take her for business reasons." "Hartley, you're an infernal fraud!" "Nothing of the kind I'm a salesman," ended Hartley, with a laugh.

Then I calmed down and licked my bruises, so to speak, and felt a terrible wish for to hear a friendly fellow creature and get a bit of sympathy out of someone. For I'm a very sociable kind of woman; so I put on my bonnet and was just going round to see Mrs.

Those who are not disposed to be sociable sleeps in the chimney-corners." "Ah," said I, "I see it is a very agreeable inn; however, I shall go on to the 'Pump Saint." "I am sorry for it, your honour, for your honour's sake; your honour won't be half so illigantly served at the 'Pump Saint' as there above." "Of what religion are you?" said I.

But it was at night, at bedtime, that the hut became generally sociable. Lights-Out sounded at 10.15; and at 10.10 we were all scrambling into our pyjamas. In winter our disrobing was hasty; in summer it was an affair of leisure, and deshabille roamings to and fro in the aisle, and gossip.

"The thing may be all wrong to others, but if it's right to yourself that's it mais oui! If he comes," he added "if he comes back, think of him as well as Marcey. Marcey is sleeping what does it matter? If he is awake, he has better times, for he was a man to make another world sociable. Think of Laforce, for he has his life to live, and he is a man to make this world sociable.

"Nevertheless she was pert and sociable, and would talk as long as people would converse with her. She was quite garrulous about her protege, 'dear little George, at whose birth she declared she was present, having been at the time a slave of Elizabeth Atwood, a half-sister of Augustine Washington, the father of George Washington.

Having thus broken the ice, the constraint and reserve that had existed between them since the previous day, gradually melted away, and they were once more on sociable terms, although their intercourse was not quite so free and unembarrassed as it was before their quarrel.

After all had done the sociable act of course gentlemen only drink for sociability sake I took him to one side purposely to draw him into a little private chat, and it was not long before his self-conceit had the better of him. He ordered grub as all meals were called in the West in those days for four, stating he was in need of a bite himself.