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He was gone, and Miss Upton, placing the sturdy stems of the apple blossoms in a pitcher of water, carried them upstairs. She tiptoed into the room where Geraldine was in bed, but the girl was awake and gave an exclamation of delight. "Have you an apple tree, too?" she asked. "No, Mr. Barry brought these over." The girl's face sobered as she buried it in the blooms Miss Upton offered.

However it was, Mary Jefford not only married her young lover, but sobered him, and as she was young, pretty, and ambitious, and worshipped her husband, Dick Creel at the next election, to use the vernacular, "made cornsideruble show runnin' ag'inst the Sheriff, and give him cornsideruble trouble."

The fact that in selling stocks and other property to the amount of forty thousand dollars, and locking up that large sum in an unproductive investment, he would diminish his yearly income over twenty-five hundred dollars, did not present the most agreeable view of the case. He had not thought of this, distinctly, before. A little sobered in mind, he returned homeward during the afternoon.

He grew more reasonable as a belief in her complete seriousness and determination sobered him. He made desperate efforts to recover his self-control to get his big, cool, fine mechanism of a mind into action. But his mind, to his complete bewilderment, betrayed him. He'd always looked at Rose before, through the lens of his emotions.

"Wal, when that idee come deown atop of 'em, ye never see a couple sobered so quick as they was. They giv' three cheers, an' nothin' 'd dew but I must git into the dory an' go up to the Neck with 'em. "They all giv' me another three cheers; but they didn't drink no more. An' nothin' 'd dew but I must set deown, an' then nothin' 'd dew but I must give 'em my views on moderation!"

The instant irritation in his face sobered her. She began, carefully, to talk of this or that: his journey, the Mercer business, his health anything to make him smile again. Plainly, it was not the moment to speak of Mr. Benjamin Wright and her purpose of leaving Old Chester. "Now I must run up-stairs just one minute, and see David," she said in the middle of a sentence.

I thought the tardy invitation was just an oversight, but now I know" her chin quivered suddenly like a hurt child's "that they never meant to ask me." Van Lennop's face had quickly sobered. "You are sure he really said that this Andy P. Symes?" "I think there's no mistake. It was the easiest way to rid themselves of my friendship." She told him then of the reproof Symes had administered.

Our religious philosophers fancied they caught in this a glimpse of the divine plan: cancer was an instrument of righteousness in the hands of the Almighty, the bacillus of tuberculosis was a moral agency. They detected cases in which adverse fortune had sobered and softened a man: the finger of Providence.

"By George, K," he said, "don't you see the shrieking humour of the situation? The woman thinks I've boned her precious story. That's why she has been treating me with such cold dignity. Oh, hold me up, hold me up, I feel ill!" But soon his hilarity sobered. The situation also had a pathetic side.

"By all the gods, I thought it must be Eric. I never expected to find you togged out in this style. By Jove, I could wish it was daylight." Whatever she replied must have sobered the fellow. "Everything I say you take wrongly. Of course it's all right, for the country is full of stragglers out of both armies. Lord, I don't care what you wear, as long as it suits you. My business?