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A woman can sob from the top of her palate, or her lips, or anywhere else, but a man must cry from his diaphragm, and it rends him to pieces. 'Poor devil! said the colonel, coughing tremendously. 'We ought to send him to hospital. He's been man-handled. Now the adjutant loved his carbines. They were to him as his grandchildren, the men standing in the first place.

She arose to take her peas to the kitchen. The conference was ended, and with a flushed face and wet eyes Daisy went out to the phaeton, into which Allen handed her very carefully, and then took his seat beside her. He noticed her agitation, but did not guess its cause, until she said, with a little gasping sob: "I was never so insulted in my life as by that horrid old woman.

I was starving. I was friendless. My husband, too, whom you have heard" She stopped abruptly; a choking sob struggled in her throat; and but for the supporting arm of one of the turnkeys, she would have fallen to the ground. "Unhappy, guilty woman," said the recorder, with the coolness of a demon, "the plea of insanity you would set up is utterly untenable.

She had an idea of going to the Oratory the next morning, and perhaps choosing a new Virgin and soliciting favour of the image thereof. She sobbed, and, sobbing, suddenly jumped up and ran to the telephone. And even as she gave Gilbert's number, she broke it in the middle with a sob. After all, there was Gilbert.

And with that singsong, the boy became calm, was only now and then uttering a sob and fell asleep. Siddhartha placed him on Vasudeva's bed. Vasudeva stood by the stove and cooked rice. Siddhartha gave him a look, which he returned with a smile. "She'll die," Siddhartha said quietly. Vasudeva nodded; over his friendly face ran the light of the stove's fire.

Perhaps he had done this, and, for lack of means or for some other reason, had not tried to inform her, or had tried in vain. She stood like an accused woman before her judges, incapable of formulating her defence, expressing her distress by an occasional low, convulsive sob. What did her conduct mean? Was her demeanor genuine or assumed? Why did she confess one thing and deny another?

Do you believe I shall ever get over it? Sometimes I think the best thing for me would be to go into an asylum." "Oh yes, dear; you'll get over it, and forget it all. As soon as you see others other scenes and get interested " "And you don't you don't think I'd better let him come, and " "Ellen!" Ellen began to sob again, and toss her head upon the pillow. "What shall I do?

She stood there looking about, and then she drew from her pocket a handkerchief, thin and delicate as gossamer, and wiped her eyes. After that she began to sob, and Teddy knew that what he had thought was the buzzing of a bee inside the knot had really been the sound of her weeping. "Hello!" called the elf. The fairy stopped sobbing and looked about her.

A great, heavy sob shook the young girl's vigorous young frame. It seemed too wantonly cruel, this decree of Fate which had withheld from her the light of her life. How easy it would have been to wait! How swiftly these two years would have flown past.

He hurried home, to find the house silent and deserted. In the study, the light was fading and the fire had gone out. He was about to ring for the lamp to be lighted when a stifled sob revealed the presence of someone in the room. "Mary!" His wife was on the hearth-rug, with her arms spread out on the seat of the little tub chair, and her head bowed down.