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Capt. C. observed several persons of both sexes who appeared to have arrived to great age yet they appeared perfectly healthy tho most of them perfectly blind. the loss of sight I have observed to be more common among all the nations inhabiting this river than among any people I ever observed. they have almost invariably soar eyes at all stages of life. the loss of an eye is very common among them; blindness in perdsons of middle age is by no means uncommon, and it is almost invariably a concommitant of old age.

That irksome sense of spectatorship seemed to fly, and she was part and parcel now of the great, moving things, with sure pinions with which to soar. Standing rapt upon the forward deck of the ferry, she saw herself, not an atom, but one whose going and coming was a thing of consequence.

No; her arms which she had thrown up as if to fly, fell by her side it was all in vain. A pain a trifling pain in her foot, had brought her down again to the base world of sense which she so ardently strove to soar away from.

As soon as it was off I shoved the hang-glider with all the force I could muster towards the edge. At first it fell, but a few feet from the edge its wings caught the wind and it was brought up to a stable soar, and just at that instant I landed on it, for I had jumped right after it.

Sometimes, when she looked in the mirror, she was filled with a fierce belief in a destiny to sit in the high seats, to receive homage and dispense bounties, to discourse with great intellects, to know London and Paris and the marts and centres of the world as her father had. To escape only to escape from the prison walls of a humdrum existence, and to soar!

Birdie might not be approved of her seniors, but she was a disturbingly important person to her juniors. To them it seemed nothing short of genius for a girl, born as they were in the sordid environs of Calvary Alley, to side-step school and factory and soar away into the paradise of stage-land. When such an authority gives counsel, it is not to be ignored.

May you soon again return to this truly charming and delectable, though much and unjustly abused town, when I may again have the pleasure of holding those agreeable conversations on subjects of interest which have formed the solace of many hours which might otherwise have been spent in the society of ungenial spirits, whose base-born spirits cannot soar to those exalted heights of poetical sentiment in which I, it must be confessed, with due humbleness, delight to roam.

In attacking a note, however, there must be no pressure on this place, because if there is the overtones will be unable to soar and sound with the tone. From the moment the note is attacked the breath must flow out with it. It is a good idea to feel at first as if one were puffing out the breath.

"Really, one would suppose there was only one kind of existence in your eyes this life of your own, Giselle. To leave one cage to be shut up in another that is the fate of many birds, I know, but there are others who like to use their wings to soar into the air. I like that expression.

"Nor I," said the fox; "Kapchack has looked angrily at me for a long time he cannot forget my royal descent. Let the hawk go." "I! I!" said Ki Ki. "Nonsense; Kapchack does not much like me now; he gave me a hint the other day not to soar too high. I suppose he did not like to think of my overlooking him kissing pretty La Schach."