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Built of wood, fourteen feet long and five feet deep, fitted with three wheels, Argonaut Junior looked not unlike a large go-cart such as boys make out of a soap-box and a set of wooden wheels. The boat, however, made actual trips, navigated by its inventor, proving that his plan was feasible.

I have heard soap-box orators in Canada rant about the plutocrats gobbling the resources of the country; and I have gone to their offices and shown them on the map that any man could become a plutocrat by going out and gobbling some more, provided he had brains and brawn and gobbled hard enough instead of gabbled; and I have been answered these very words: "But we don't want that.

That was the soap-box cart hitting against a tree. "Tunk! Tunk!" Those were the soft sounds Russ and Laddie made as they were spilled out on the grass near the lumberman's cabin. "Bow-wow!" That was Zip barking at the cat. "Hiss-siss!" That was the cat making queer noises at Zip. "Wow-ow-ow-Yelp!" That was Zip howling because the cat scratched his nose. For that's just what the cat did.

For six months I have wasted time trying to teach you something about business. I've pushed you along faster than your ability warranted. I've given you a chance to quadruple your salary. And what is the result? You give me a lot of hot air about your conscience. Why don't you get a soap-box and preach on the street-corners? You can draw your money and go.

Thus there was nothing left for me to do, apparently, but to sit on the soap-box and look at brother Mason, who regarded me in rather sheepish fashion over the top of his cup. I judged him to be a good-natured man on the near side of fifty.

"Take a divan, uncle," he said airily, pushing a three-legged stool toward his guest. "I've got something to show you, something that's been handed up to me from posterity. How does that strike you for a starter in the domestic business?" He drew forward an empty soap-box, fashioned into an old-time cradle, and fitted with rude rockers at the ends.

If a stiffer receptacle is wanted for miscellaneous loose small articles, you can insert a soap-box inside the canvas. It cannot be denied that the rawhide will stand rougher usage. Probably the point now of greatest importance is that of saddle-padding.

So why should he not do it why should he turn his back upon this opportunity, and return to the "soap-box in a marsh" to wrestle with loneliness and want? The fact of the matter was that the thing which seemed so easy to his intellect, was impossible to his character. Thyrsis could not have anything to do with these people without hypocrisy; merely to sit and talk pleasantly with them was to lie.

Over the fire-place hung a rough cupboard, made out of a soap-box, and used to hold rations. From a nail in the low ceiling a mosquito-net bag was suspended, and the buzzing flies around proclaimed that it held meat.

He glanced over the faces and counted seven of them. He knew them all. But, drawing forward an upturned soap-box, he sat down and addressed himself to Curly Saunders, who happened to be lying on his elbow nearest the door. "Say, I just came along to give you word that vittles are on the way from Leeson Butte," he said, as though the fact was of no serious importance.