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When ready, take them out of the brine and simmer in pure water until tender enough to stick a straw through if still too salt, soak in clear water; drain thoroughly and lay them in vinegar in which is dissolved one ounce of turmeric to the gallon.

Another object to be accomplished is the retention of the forests about the heads of the streams so as to preserve the summer water supply. The water runs off more slowly from a slope covered with vegetation than from a barren one, and therefore has more time to soak into the ground. This is a very important matter in all mountainous districts, particularly where the rainfall is light.

We can't break bulk now; but the sooner they are down the better; or we shall have some quill-driving rascal on board, with his flotsam and jetsam, for the Lord knows who;" and Thompson, to use his own expression, went down again "to lay his soul in soak." Reader, do you know the meaning of flotsam and jetsam? None but a lawyer can, for it is old law language.

With a very few exceptions the Eskimos of Ungava average over five feet eight inches in height, with some six-footers. * Kok, river; soak, big; miut, inhabitants; Koksoagmiut, inhabitants of the big river. Literally, inhabitants of the very big bay. The George River mouth widens into a bay which is known as the Very Big Bay.

If you wish to keep it a few days, take the juice when you have pressed out a tea-cup full, and adding to it a piece of alum the size of a pea, give it a boil in a sauce-pan. Blanch some almonds, soak them in cold water, and then pound them to a smooth paste in a marble mortar; adding at intervals a little rose water. Thick cream will communicate a white colour.

"If they got such soup as this at the Waldorf, Minnie leben, I bet yer the least they would soak you for it is a dollar." Following the soup came boiled brisket, a dish that Morris loathed.

It seems greater though, I suppose, because a fellow cannot very well relieve his feelings by throwing stones at his daddy and bawling: "Goldarn you anyhow, you you big stuff! I'll get hunk with you, now you see if I don't!" Here would be just the place to make the little boy tie knots in the big boy's shirt-sleeves, soak the knots in water, and pound them between stones.

Doors were opening everywhere now, forms were pushing out into the semi-darkness only to duck hastily back again, as Jimmie Dale's automatic barked and spat a running fire of warning ahead of him. And then, behind, the Wowzer's voice shrieked out: "Soak him! Kill de guy! He's croaked Dago Jim! Put a hole in him, de "

Wash it two or three times, soak it five or six hours; simmer it in the same water with bits of fresh lemon-peel until it becomes quite clear; then put in lemon juice, wine and loaf sugar. The sago should be soaked in cold water an hour, and washed thoroughly; simmered with lemon-peel and a few cloves. Add wine and loaf sugar when nearly done; and let it all boil together a few minutes.

If anybody has been nursing that sort of hope, he may as well get rid of it. It's no good. We are here to stay, unless help comes from the outside. There's the plain English of it. We may have to live here on this island, like poor old Robinson Crusoe, for years, for a great many years. I'm going to stop just a few seconds to let that soak into your brains. We've got to face it.