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He vas ignorant as a jackass. If he had 40 thumbs he couldn't write even his own name so's anybody could read it. "'I don't believe these's a man in a mile of here that can make out such a list, he went on. They're all a set of hominy-eating blockheads. Perhaps that hook-nosed Jew might. He's the man. I'll make him do it, or break his swindling head.

And they keep good liquors, too, said Harry, earnestly; 'throw away all the beer left in the glasses. 'What else would they do with it? asked innocent I. 'Why, keep it in a bucket, said Harry, solemnly, 'and then slip the glass under the counter and half fill out of the bucket, then hold it under the keg LOW, so's the foam will come; that's a trick of the trade, you know.

Th' first thing t' do is t' fasten that gratin' on our side, so's nobody can get in here t' bother us while we're doin' our skippin'. I guess we can sort o' wedge it fast so's t' stand 'em off for an hour or two, anyway, an' that's time enough to give us a fair start." "We can do something better than that, I think," I said, as we went together towards the grating.

"It happened three days ago, as you all know. They sent over to Arrapahoe and all the boys over there went and volunteered. They worked just as many men as could get into the drift at a time, and they spelled each other in half-hour shifts, so's every man could do his best. They hadn't got in twenty feet before they saw that she was bad. Seemed as if the whole drift had been wiped out.

I'm sure she was the beautifullest creature ever was, said Barbara. 'Nonsense! returned Kit. 'She was well enough, I don't deny that; but think how she was dressed and painted, and what a difference that made. Why YOU are a good deal better looking than her, Barbara. 'Oh Christopher! said Barbara, looking down. 'You are, any day, said Kit, and so's your mother. Poor Barbara!

Gutch's nose, spoke his mind: "Say, you white-faced unhealthy dirty-minded lump, I ain't much of a fighter, but I'm going to muss you up so's you can't find your ears if you don't apologize for those insinuations." "Oh, Mr. Wrenn " "He didn't mean " "I didn't mean " "He was just spoofing " "I was just spoofing " Bill Wrenn, watching the dramatization of himself as hero, was enjoying the drama.

And I'll tell you another thing. I'm getting precious tired of living on nothing but chicken and eggs. So's Millie, though she doesn't say so." "So am I," I said, "and I don't feel like imitating your wife's proud reserve. I never want to see a chicken again. As for eggs, they are far too much for us." For the last week monotony had been the keynote of our commissariat.

"Take this ashore and post it at once," he told the man who answered his summons. "But seriously, Lanyard!" Phinuit protested with a pained expression.... "No: I don't get you at all. What's the use?" "I have not deceived you, then?" "Not so's you'd notice it." "Alas!" Lanyard affected a sigh "for misspent effort!" "Oh, all's fair outside the law. We don't blame you for trying it on.

That feller's name was Bill, an' he was out here to git the dope so's he could write books about the cattle country. I reckon his las' name was the same as the Bill as wrote this. I don't know no other Bills as writes books, do you, stranger?" Conniston evaded. "Are you sure it's about the cattle country?" "It sorta sounds like it, an' then it don't. You see it begins in a desert place.

He tells ye to go into the house, into my house, so's he can fight it out ag'in same's he done with t'other one. You better go. He won't git no odds from me." He set his dinner pail down beside him, and his hand moved a few inches along the helve of his axe. And Raven, like Tira, was sorry for him. "No," said Tira, "I sha'n't go into the house.