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"I don't mean to be left out of this business, I can tell you," said the mole, suddenly thrusting his snout up through the ground; "I consider I have been too much overlooked. But no election will be valid without my vote. Now, I can tell you that there's not a fellow living who knows more than I do." "Since the throne is vacant," said the mouse, "why should not I be nominated?"

They are like flat-sided slugs, slugs of spirit, who raise an enquiring snout, like the snout of a dogfish, into the air. They crawl upon their bellies in a way that would be tedious to describe to the general reader and unnecessary to describe to the enquiring specialists. They go over the ground with the sliding speed of active snails.

As ulceration progresses, difficulty in nursing increases until finally the young animal is unable to suckle. If ulceration of the mouth is extensive, the animal may be feverish, dull and lose flesh rapidly. Portions of the lips, gums and snout may slough off. The death-rate in pigs is very high.

Boston Fat surveyed the stranger with a vicious glint in his little eyes, as a pig might stare at a man who had struck it across the snout. "Good afternoon, perfesser," he sneered. "Why 'professor, my frayed and frowsled Falstaff?" "There you go with it showing yourself up out of your own mouth! Words a yard long words that would break a decent man's teeth!

When Beppo was quite tired out he would come and lay his head against the monster's snout; and the Cockatrice would open a benevolent eye and look at him affectionately. "Dear Cockatrice," said the boy one day, "tell me about yourself, and how you lived and what the world was like when you were free!" "Do you see any green in my eye?" said the Cockatrice. "I do, indeed!" said Beppo.

I could not shoot, for it was directly in line with one of the pursuing dugouts. Suddenly it dived, the snout being slightly curved downward as it did so. There was no trace of it; we gazed eagerly in all directions; the dugout in front came alongside our canoe and the paddlers rested, their paddles ready. Then we made out the tapir clambering up the bank.

Granger was grimly amused, and half-disgusted with himself. The weight of the four rear-dogs and the loaded sledge were gradually dragging the leader down, and, with him, Strangeways. He held on desperately; now and then, as he made a fresh effort, his yellow snout would appear above the water or the top of his yellow head except for that, he might not have been there.

It's the bad revolting curve that goes with a tusker's snout, in the sag of which the eye is set, that puts him out of reach of decent regard. Only two other curves touch it for malignity the curve of a hyena's shoulder and the curve of a shark's jaw. Three scavengers that haven't had a real chance. They weren't bred right.

Just as he was about to dip it in, a long snout appeared above the surface, the possessor of which a huge crocodile made directly at him. Billy, throwing down the gourd, scampered off. Fortunately for him the monster stopped for an instant to pick up the gourd, which it crushed in its huge jaws, and thus Billy was able to increase his distance.

"It am no use trowin' dem de hook," said he, addressing himself to the sailor, "no use jess yet, so long de sharp snout am dar. We mus' wait till he go out ob dar sight an out ob dar hearin too." "I suppose we must," rejoined Ben; "that be a pity too. They'd bite greedy enough, if the ugly thing warn't there. That I know, for I've seed 'em many's the time."