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The engine gave a sudden snort, as if to say, "You'd better, else I'm off without you." "Now aunt," said Kenneth, "come along." In another moment Miss Peppy was seated in a carriage, with her head out of the window, talking earnestly and rapidly to Mrs Niven. It seemed as if she had reserved all the household directions which she had to give to that last inopportune moment!

She gave a sarcastic snort. "They all speak like that at the beginning," she said. "The girls will make you shave if nobody else does." "What girls?" I asked, with a scowl, but blushing once again "What do I know what girls?" she laughed. "That's your own lookout, not mine." I did not like her.

About sundown that evening the horses commenced to show signs of uneasiness and occasionally they would raise their heads and look in the direction of a little pine grove near by, and snort. Johnnie West, being the first to notice it, said: "Kit, what is the matter with the horses? I believe there are Indians around." "I don't think so," said Carson, "for I haven't seen any sign of Injuns today."

Aside from the station agent, not a soul waited upon the platform. But one or two passengers were set down and, as the engine began to snort anew, a man darted from behind the tiny structure that housed ticket-office and waiting-room, galloped heavily across the platform, and with nothing to spare threw himself into the compartment immediately behind that wherein Lanyard sat alone.

With a snort, the beast plunged forward with a rush, the mule following reluctantly after, with Ling clinging desperately to its neck.

People of the world often speak in that voice when unexpectedly asked to give an opinion about some person whom they dislike but do not dare to abuse. The little white volcano flared up energetically, however. 'I hate that sort of answer! she cried, with a delicate snort. Sister Giovanna looked at her in surprise, but said nothing.

I could see them curling their trunks around their mates and plucking lilies from the water to eat. As the moon with its shadowy light had risen, I seemed to be looking at them through a veil of water. Close to the shore were the little ones stepping into the water and learning how to breathe quantities of water into their trunks and then snort it out slowly without the slightest sound.

A hungry face always, with her life unfed by its stingy few crumbs of good; but to-night it was vacant with utter loss. She got up, trying to laugh cheerfully, and went beside him down the road. "You saw that painted Jezebel to-night, and" stopping abruptly. She had not heard him, and he followed her doggedly, with an occasional snort or grunt or other inarticulate damn at the obstinate mud.

Denis set his teeth, walked his horse up and down once more, turned it sharply toward the gangway, and then with voice and heel urged it forward, but only to elicit a loud snort as it stood with all four feet pressed firmly on the deck.

Then the order came, "Right!" and we struck off straight away for the Boer force opposite, an advance-guard and supports being sent out far ahead; while the silence of the night was only broken by the softly-muffled tread of the horses, and once in a way by an impatient snort. "That's the danger," said Denham to me softly.