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But anyway, we're still married." "That's nice." He swung to face her briefly. "And they found the radio in the microscope. Better get to sleep, Chris." "Oh." It was a quiet exclamation, barely audible. There was a sound that might have been a sniffle if it had come from anyone else. Then she rolled over. "All right, Dan. I still want to help you."

Also beldames of incalculable antiquity, a regular allowance of one to each boarding-house, who flit noiselessly and unceasingly about the passages and up and down the stairways, admonishing you of their presence by a ghostly sniffle, which always frightens you, and prevents you from running into them and knocking them down.

Anyway, we'll advertise and if no relatives claim the money, it goes to the county." I began to sniffle. And Mitch says: "Tell me, then, how Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn got to keep what they found. Injun Joe had no relatives, and Judge Thatcher knew the law, or was supposed to; and why didn't that money go to the county?" "Why, Mitch," said pa, "don't you know that's just a story?

"You make me think of a rabbit when you sniffle like that. Can't you cry without wiggling your nose?" Mrs. Toomey's quavering voice rose to the upper register: "Do you suppose I care how I look when I feel like this?" "How do you think I feel," ferociously, "with my stomach slumping in so I can hardly straighten up?"

She was philosophically trying to make her bed up for a single, by doubling the poncho over lengthwise into a cocoon effect, when she heard a sniffle coming out of the bushes beside her. Investigating, she found Carmen Chadwick sitting disconsolately upon a very much wrinkled poncho, her chin in her hands, the picture of woe.

At last he looked up into the Doctor's face and said, "The man in there is unhappy. He weeps. He has taken care not to blubber or sniffle, lest we should find out that he is crying. But I heard quite distinctly the sound of a tear falling on his sleeve." "How do you know it wasn't a drop of water falling off the ceiling on him?" asked Gub-Gub. "Pshaw! Such ignorance!" sniffed Too-Too.

But what is that I hear in this parlor, like somebody sniffling?" "It's me, Aunt Vesty," said the voice of Rhoda Holland from the background. "This is Mr. Milburn's niece, who has come here to stay with me," Vesta said. "Ah! then it is no Custis. The last sniffle I heard was at the ball to Lafayette in the spring of 1781.

It took History only half a second to realize that he was not dead yet, and he was so glad to be alive again as he thought of it that he began to sniffle from pure joy. The Crows were not long in leaping over the ledge and getting Tug and History to their feet. Then they took up the march again, staggering under their laughter and howling with barbarous glee.

First thing, I warn you not to sniffle and get sorry for yourself. If you do, the game is up. Suppose I can't raise the spondulicks in time for the ten train! Maybe I had better drop a postal to Molly with some of my six sous so she can get it first pop in the morning." This she accordingly did. She found a tobacco shop where stamps and postal cards were sold and mailed a piteous appeal to Molly.

A find watchman yer are!" "Well, yer see, cap'n," returned Hi Higgins, really alarmed at the captain's truculent tone, "I ain't here much after nine at night or before five in the morning." "Well, was my boat here at five this mornin'?" demanded the captain. "Sure it was," rejoined Hi Higgins, with a sniffle; "the fust boat I seen."