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'Did she no like yer treat? 'I'll warrant she did! 'What did ye buy her wi' the twa bob? Willie sniffed at his recollections. 'Like a goat, said he, 'I askit her what she wud like best for twa bob, me thinkin' naterally she wud say a feed to stairt wi'. I was ready for a feed masel'. But she squeezed ma airm an' shoved her big face intil mines, an' said she wud like a sooveneer best.

Smith, his gaze on Miss Maggie's flushed cheeks and shining eyes, smiled tenderly. Then with mock severity he frowned. "I see that I'm being married for my money after all!" he scolded. "Pooh!" sniffed Miss Maggie, so altogether bewitchingly that Mr. Smith gave her a rapturous kiss. Early in July Mr. Smith took his departure from Hillerton.

The scientist was obviously intrigued by the problem, even though he had let the boys handle things in their own way. As he explained with a twinkle, "Rick and Scotty have reputations as detectives to maintain. I'm a poor, simple physicist. No one expects me to solve this mystery. So the boys have to be given first chance to bring the ghost to bay." Barby sniffed.

"What you call love is just pure silly!" "Well," Arethusa despairingly presented her final bit of reasoning, "I hate Timothy! I think it's the very ugliest name I ever heard. I could never be happy married to anybody called 'Timothy'." Miss Eliza sniffed. The girl was getting more and more foolish! "That certainly means nothing!"

He was a young rabbit, born the spring before, and his world had changed in the night to something he had never dreamed of. He hopped back beneath the firs for a moment, and sniffed about to reassure himself, then came out and stared again.

"You've had a matter of eight weeks to decide in, so I thought I might ax'e, man to man, what's gwaine to be done." "I have decided," said the miller coldly; "I decided a week ago." Billy started and his blue eyes blinked inquiringly. He sniffed his surprise and said "Well!" under his breath.

Up the hill they went on to the downs, and in and out among the furze bushes. The night was no longer dark to Edred. His eyes had got used to the gentle starlight, and he followed the dog among the gorse and brambles without stumbling and without hurting himself against the million sharp spears and thorns. Suddenly True paused, sniffed, sneezed, blew through his nose and began to dig.

The Baron sniffed and laughed, and twirled up the ends of his mustaches till they presented a particularly desperate appearance. Yet there was a faint intonation of anxiety in his voice as he inquired "You vill gom as my friend, of course?" "I? Quite out of the question, I am sorry to say. No, Baron, you have a chance of paying a graceful compliment to your host which you must not lose. Ask Mr.

He sniffed here and there, eagerly hunted up and down the cottage, then made a circuit round it, and at last, with a loud deep bay he started off with his nose to the ground, pulling so hard at the chain that Archie had difficulty in keeping up with him. Pembroke and his knights rode a little behind, followed by their men-at-arms.

Surely a woman of your age can stop anywhere by herself." "Oh, indeed, can she, ma'am? And what about a woman of your age? It's you I don't like leaving alone here." "That's absurd of you. I'm a married woman, and quite able to look after myself. Besides, I've Mrs. Tolhurst with me, and the Ernleys are quite close." "Oh, yes, the Ernleys!" sniffed Joanna with a toss of her head.