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Troubles must make us stay close by our friends." "If I get much closer to him I'll throw up," sniffed Jennie, and her protest was echoed by a groan from Peggy into the apron, while the area which showed above its folds turned white at the prospect of being obliged to draw near to this brother in affliction. "Yes, but you sicked Tobe, with the rest of us, and in this girls don't count.

Perhaps five minutes later, after wading in the cold water, clinging as close to the bank as we could, we came to a sort of rapids. Cherry, who had been urged on by Dillon, gave a jerk at her leash, as she sniffed along the bank. "She has it," cried Garrick, springing up the bank after Dillon. I followed and we three men and three dogs struck out again in earnest across country.

"Oh, no, don't go too close," begged his sister. "It might be a trap, or perhaps the bad fox is hidden inside it." "It's too small for a fox to get in," declared the boy guinea pig. "I'll take a smell, anyhow." So he crept slowly, slowly, slowly up to the white box, and sniffed, and sniffed and sniffed. "Oh! Ah! Um! La-la! Um!

There's the bus fare there and back six-pence, mind you and a wasted morning. Who's going to recompense me, I should like to know? I'm not made of sixpences." Burton's hand slipped into his pocket. The little old gentleman sniffed. "You needn't insult me, young fellow," he declared. "I've a friend or two here and I'll set about letting them know the truth." He was as good as his word.

She took it up curiously, scrutinised the address, sniffed at the fragrance the missive carried, noted the postmark, which was that of the town near by, and studied the waxen purple seal, stamped with indistinguishable initials. "I haven't the faintest idea whom it's from," she said, helplessly. "Why not open it and see?" he suggested, with kindly sarcasm.

As like as not they'll be trying to come it over us; and if we leave it to Hambly " "Him?" Mrs Polsue sniffed. "You leave it to me!" The Vicar welcomed them in the porch, and his pleasantly courteous smile, which took their friendliness for granted, disarmed Mrs Polsue for a moment. "It took the starch out of you straight: I couldn't help noticin'," was Miss Oliver's comment, later in the day.

On the impulse, without pausing to reflect that her action might look queer, she exclaimed: "Wait a minute!" and ran fleetly across the moonlit yard. In a second she had the bouquet out of the pitcher and was back again beside him, breathless. "I left them out there," she said. "I I forgot them. And I didn't want to leave them out there all night." Jim bent down and sniffed at the roses.

"He has been a good son to me," sniffed the fond and foolish mother. Neither of these persons was capable of understanding that "goodness" is not all we want in husband or wife. These good husbands heaven help their wives! break as many hearts as those who are labelled by the world with the black ticket. "Then I may tell Arthur that you will help him?" said Mrs.

Polly's mind, and so did the close-wedged drive to the churchyard, bunched in between two young women in confused dull and shiny black, and the fact that the wind was bleak and that the officiating clergyman had a cold, and sniffed between his sentences. The wonder of life! The wonder of everything! What had he expected that this should all be so astoundingly different.

There was a pause, during which Lady Knollys held her head high with a frown, and sniffed a little. 'I did not intend to talk about him, but now I will. I'll talk away just whatever I like; and I'll stay here just as long as you let me, Maud, and you need not be one atom afraid of him. Our intercourse to an "immediate close," indeed! I only wish he were here. He should hear something!