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The mate roared with laughter, while Long Tom grinned broadly, and the sailors snickered. "I guess you'll do, my lad," exclaimed Mr. Duff in high good humor. "Come with me and I will show you what the doctor is. Bludson, have that peak block on the foresail gaff slung a little higher. I think she will hoist easier."

"Think I'm a fool kid?" snapped Red, aggressively. "Well, you ain't no kid." "You let me do th' talking; I'll get him." "All right; an' I'll do th' laughing," snickered Hopalong, at the door. "Sic 'em, Red!" The other boldly stepped into a small vestibule, Hopalong close at his heels. Red hitched his holster and walked heavily into a room at his left.

"'It may be, said Waits-by-the-Fire, 'that the gods are not pleased. They have long memories. She looked at him very straight and somebody in the crowd snickered." "But wasn't it awfully risky to keep making him mad like that?" asked Dorcas. "They could have just done anything to her!" "She was a wise woman; she knew what she had to do. The Cacique was angry.

"From what I have heard, I judge that the punishment is out of proportion to the offense, even if the steward's yarn was true." "I'll have you know, that I'm the only man aboard this ship that has any judgment," Falk snarled. "Judgment ?" Roger exclaimed; and the twist he gave the word was so funny that some one actually snickered.

"Well, if there is a Down-East manicure woman in Seattle, show her to me and I'll practice on her," he insisted. "She can halter-break me, at least." "Yes, it might not hurt to get that off your hands," Emerson acknowledged, at which the clothier's clerk, who had noted the condition of the fisherman's huge paws, snickered audibly.

Bob's collar was torn and Frank's coat was almost ripped from his back. Bob's left eye was half closed and rapidly turning black; Frank's nose was swollen and the skin all scraped off the side of his jaw. "We had a fight, sir," said Bob. "So I see," said the principal, while the crowd snickered. "He started it," exclaimed Frank.

"After getting your mouth all made up for oats, it's pretty disappointing to chew on nothing more appetizing than an iron bit." Old dog Spot snickered. Twinkleheels stamped one of his tiny feet upon the barn floor. "It will never happen again!" he cried. Old Spot gave him a sharp look. "I hope," he said, "you don't intend to hurt Johnnie Green. I hope you aren't planning to run away with him."

Besides, you will have a longer start." "I'm going to stay right here and shoot, too!" Jimmie declared. "Those men have several bumps coming from me!" "Ain't he the great little gunman?" snickered Teddy. "But I need you up there with the others to protect my retreat," urged Ned, so Jimmie unwillingly toiled up the acclivity.

There is money in it either way and any way we work it; we get it coming and going. First of all, if the Siowitha people find that they really cannot get on without controlling these acres why" and he snickered so that his nose curved into a thin, ruddy beak "why, Captain, I suppose we could let them have the land. Eh? Oh, yes if they must have it!" Selwyn frowned slightly.

Whereupon, aiming an unlucky blow at the Purser's boy, he hit the Captain's cat. The line snickered. It was just after that the Red Un, surmising a snap by the photographer on the dock and thwarting it by putting his thumb to his nose, received the shock of his small life.