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She did not realize that the very efforts she made to attain the position in society which would have come to her naturally if she had but the patience to wait, caused her to be sneered at as a parvenu by those whose acquaintance she most desired.

He was folding up the letter as he was walking homeward, when he met Randolph Duncan. "What's that, Linton?" he asked. "A love-letter?" "Not much; I haven't got so far along. It is a letter from Luke Larkin." "Oh!" sneered Randolph. "I congratulate you on your correspondent. Is he in New York?" "The letter is postmarked in New York, but he is traveling." "Traveling? Where is he traveling?"

Thou hast a woman's wrist, a baby's fingers. They could not swing a tomahawk. "'No? the boy sneered. 'Perhaps thou art right, but they can plunge a knife. Did thou not lend my brother a knife last night? Yes? Then I have come to return it. There was a flash of steel, a wild death cry, and Ok-wa-ho's knife was buried to the hilt in the heart of Black Star of the Bear Clan."

All the way home Cousin Amelia laughed and sneered and chattered, and once she acknowledged I was "the best-tempered girl in the world;" but I am sure I have not an idea why I deserve this character. Her words fell perfectly unheeded on my ear.

They say a murderer can't keep away from the scene of his crime if he is left at large. There is an irresistible fascination to him about the spot where he damned his immortal soul." "I'm not a criminal," snarled Alan. "Don't talk to me like that or you will never see another cent of my money." "Money!" sneered the sick man. "What's that to me now? I've lost my taste for money.

"She may well have," sneered Maud Greening, "if she copies other people's," she added under her breath. "I don't even look at anyone else when I'm working," observed Muriel, pointedly. "We've never had cheating in the Upper Fourth before," put in Vera Clifford. "It's only the kind of thing one might expect, though," said Kitty Harrison. "Some people aren't as particular as we are."

The clerks were selling everything except grub, and it was grub that was in demand. "Holding it for a rise. Famine prices," a red-whiskered miner sneered. Jacob Welse heard it, but took no notice. He expected to hear it many times and more unpleasantly ere the scare was over. On the sidewalk he stopped to glance over the public bulletins posted against the side of the building.

She did not endure the occasional sight of her daughter's infirmities without beshrewing them, as a reflection on her own dignity. She even sneered and scoffed at them, until Nanny Swinton began to fear that the judgment of God might strike her lady a venerable grandame still without one weakness of bodily decay or human affection.

Do you hear" her voice shook with fright and rage "let me go! At once! You coward! You beast!" And like a beast he snarled his answer: "Scream all you please! You could not be heard if you had a throat of brass!" Then mockingly he sneered, "Come, won't you dance with me, as you did with the pretty Giovanni? You had his arms around you lovingly enough!

Then mamma sought the parents, told them she was a Christian Scientist, and, with their consent, would try to help the child. The mother was eager to try it, but the father sneered openly. He had 'no faith in any such mummery, he said, yet he finally yielded to his wife's almost frantic appeals and gave his consent.