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"No, he was snarling over a dead buck." "Then you do deserve some respect." "If you like. But it was very easy. One bullet settled him. I was fined afterward." "Fined! for what?" "For shooting the Emperor's trained cheetah. After that I always looked to see if the game wore a silver collar before I fired." Ruth would not look as if she heard.

The ape-man's teeth were fastened in the back of Sheeta's neck and now he succeeded in encircling the beast's torso with his legs which he crossed and locked beneath the cat's belly. Leaping and snarling, Sheeta sought to dislodge the ape-man's hold upon him. He hurled himself upon the ground and rolled over and over.

It may be a weakness of mine that I have an incisive way of speech; but I threw all restraint to the winds and cut and slashed until the whole man of him was snarling. The dark sun-bronze of his face went black with wrath, his eyes were ablaze. There was no clearness or sanity in them nothing but the terrific rage of a madman. It was the wolf in him that I saw, and a mad wolf at that.

I felt some dreadful presence behind me a presence upon which the lifeless man and the cringing, snarling beast had set their eyes, a presence which had wiped the smile from the Judge's face and tightened every nerve and sinew in the dog's lean body.

"Safe outside, just as I'm safe inside. I think I'll let him know that I've been successful." Standing just within the entrance he emitted the long-drawn howl of the wolf, piercing and carrying singularly far. They waited a moment or two in breathless silence, and then on the edge of the shrieking wind came a similar reply, fierce, long and snarling.

Her blood ran cold with terror; for a few moments she stood as if spellbound, and was only conscious that the growling and snarling that she heard meant mischief and threatening to herself. At last she found strength to turn to fly, but at the same instant a loud and furious bark echoed behind her and she heard the monster's quick leaps as he flew after her along the stone pavement.

And then from the background came an inarticulate sound, a strangled, snarling sob from Lionel. Sakr-el-Bahr turned slowly. He eyed the fellow a moment in silence, then he laughed. "Ha! My sometime brother. A pretty fellow, as God lives is it not? Consider him Rosamund.

The latter recognized the two as friends. "It is Toog," he growled. "Toog has come back with a new she." The apes waited his nearer approach. Teeka turned a snarling, fanged face toward them. She was not pretty to look upon, yet through the blood and hatred upon her countenance they realized that she was beautiful, and they envied Toog alas! they did not know Teeka.

In a moment the gypsy's hand covered her mouth and he was snarling in her ear. "None of that," he said, grittingly, "or I will find a way to make you keep still. You must do as I tell you now, or it will be the worse for you. Will you promise to keep quiet?" Bessie realized that there was no telling what this man would do if she did not promise and keep her promise.

Never was there a more thrilling sight than the advance of this splendid body of American and South American aeroplanes, flying by squadrons in long V's like flocks of huge birds, with a terrifying snarling of propellers.