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"That is all mine, madam, by marriage," he snarled, and instantly left the room. My old lord threw up his hands to Heaven, and he and his daughter, withdrawing to the chimney, gave me a broad hint to be gone. I found Mr. Henry in his usual retreat, the steward's room, perched on the end of the table, and plunging his penknife in it with a very ugly countenance. "Mr.

He snarled to his mother, and he would have done so to his father if he had only dared. The school seemed sheer torture much of the time, and all its objectionable features seemed to centre in the Latin. His hatred of that subject approached an obsession. At last he could not speak to the boy without losing his temper, and so for days at a time he would not speak to him at all.

Where you goin' t' sleep?" His friend waved his hand impatiently. "Right down there by yeh." "Well, but hol' on a minnit," continued the youth. "What yeh goin' t' sleep in? I've got your " The loud young soldier snarled: "Shet up an' go on t' sleep. Don't be makin' a damn' fool 'a yerself," he said severely. After the reproof the youth said no more. An exquisite drowsiness had spread through him.

It cannot be possible that her horse is still alive!" And we all laughed when we saw Mrs. Bonny's steed at a little distance, for the shaggy old creature was covered with mud, pine-needles, and dead leaves, with half the last year's burdock-burs in all Deephaven snarled into his mane and tail and sprinkled over his fur, which looked nearly as long as a buffalo's.

'How do you mean, Mew? said I with a mad start, for madness and the flames of Hell were instant and uppermost in us all: 'you mean because my profession 'Profession! damn it, no, he snarled like a dog: 'go and dig up David Wilson I dare say you know where to find him and he will tell you my meaning, right enough.

"You miserable fool!" he snarled. "Did you think to trifle with the trust which in a misguided moment I placed in you? Think you that, when a week ago I saved you from starvation to clothe and feed you and give you a lieutenancy in my guards, I should endure so foul an abuse as this?

And too, you must not ruin the so costly gown that will be returned to-morrow." Frau Nirlanger's white face was lifted from the shelter of her arms. The stricken look was still upon it, but there was no cowering in her attitude now. Slowly she rose to her feet. I had not realized that she was so tall. "The gown does not go back," she said. "So?" he snarled, with a savage note in his voice.

"Now then, if I get off, will you wash and dress?" "I'll thrash you till you can't stand," he snarled. "Not you. Be too grateful; and if you speak like that again I'll nip your ribs twice as hard." "You wait till I get up." "You're not going to get up," I said, "till you promise to behave yourself." "I'll make you sorry for this, my fine fellow, as soon as I'm well."

"Tell him what you like!" retorted Landon, faintly "I don't care! Get off my chest! you're suffocating me!" Clifford slightly relaxed the pressure of his hands and knees. "Will you apologise?" he demanded. "Apologise? for what?" "For your insolence to me and my cousin." "Cousin be hanged!" snarled Landon "She's no more your cousin than I am she's only a nameless bastard! I heard her tell you so!

"Oh," snarled Alfred, and he glared at her as though he would enjoy strangling her on the spot. "Alfred," pouted Zoie, and he knew she was going to add her customary appeal of "Let's make up." But Alfred was in no mood for nonsense. He thrust his hands in his pockets and made straight for the outer doorway.