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He had always looked upon his wife as a snake in human form. He had frequently called her "snake" because of her conduct toward him. She had wound herself about his life in snake-like fashion. And then came the story of their troubles. This was his second wife. She was fifteen years his junior. He was meek, feeble, of weak will-power, without initiative. She was domineering.

The moment she lost Sandy in the wind she whined and rubbed herself against Kazan and trotted a few steps to the southwest. At times such as this Kazan seldom refused to take guidance from her. They trotted away side by side and by the time Sandy was creeping up snake-like with the wind in his face, Kazan was peering from the fringe of river brush down upon the canoe on the white strip of sand.

The Captain passed the line, but Gillie was pounced upon as if he had been a mouse and the constable a cat. "He belongs to me," cried the Captain, turning back on hearing Gillie's yell of despair. The boy was released, and both flew down the Court, on the pavement of which the snake-like water-hose lay spirting at its seams.

Probably the giant salamander of modern Japan affords the best suggestion of the large and primitive salamanders of the Coal-forest, while the Caecilia snake-like Amphibia with scaly skins, which live underground in South America may not impossibly be degenerate survivors of the curious Aistopods.

The wearer steps into it, and with two or three ingenious twists tightens it round the waist, thus forming a skirt and, at the same time, a belt in which he carries the kris, or snake-like dagger, the inevitable pouch of areca nut for chewing, and the few copper cents that he dares not trust in his unlocked hut.

In the gloomy gullies are slender-shafted palms and tree-ferns, while ferns and mosses cover the soil with living tapestry, and strange, snake-like epiphytes cling in sinuous curves to the larger trees. September is the prime month of the year in tropical Queensland. Many of the trees are then in blossom and most of the orchids.

The entire surrounding landscape presented the same aspect, with no special object upon which the eye could rest for guidance no tree, no upheaval of rock, no peculiarity of summit, no snake-like trail, all about extended the same dull, dead monotony of brown, sun-baked hills, with slightly greener depressions lying between, interspersed by patches of sand or the white gleam of alkali.

Her odd, whimsical petulance hid a will which he, and he alone, knew to be stronger than steel, strong as a diabolical, cold, grey snake that presses and presses and cannot-relax: nay, cannot relax. She became the same as he. Even in her moments of most passionate desire for him, the cold and snake-like tension of her will never relaxed, and the cold, snake-like eye of her intention never closed.

"What of that?" "Out of bribes." Zinaida Grigorievna was overjoyed, and grew animated. For a long time the whispers of the malicious women were audible, and between their whispers their hissing, snake-like laughter. Then the women, together with Shabalov and Voronok, went off to finish the examination. Doulebov and the Vice-Governor went in to look at the library. Poterin accompanied them.

While standing at the window awaiting Baker's return, her gaze fell upon a solitary figure, trudging along the white, snake-like road, far down among the foothills the figure of a priest in his long black robe. He was the first man she had seen on the road, and she watched him with curious, speculative eyes. "A holy priest," she was thinking; "the friend of all in distress. Why not he?